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wWednesday, December 31, 2003

primer post en [guinnessandpoker.blogspot.com]

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Free Poker Blog

Well, well, well. Figured I might as well start trying to document some of my experiences with God's nectar, Guinness, and the online Phenomena of Poker. I've been playing poker online for about six years. Drinking seriously for about twenty.

I'm trying to discern more about standard deviation.

Case in point--there's a guy who came up with a method of measuring "luck"--basically you count pots with one stack and blinds paid with another stack (subtly, of course). The optimum ratio is different for everyone--mine is 0.8 pots per blind paid--at this ratio, if the game is good, I can make a decent profit. You can also use this to measure the game--if you are up at, say, 1.1 and still stuck, the game is bad and you should leave. Whereas if you're ahead but only at 0.7, the game is great, and you should stay because your luck should improve.

Does that make sense to you? I tend to look at numbers through Poker Tracker - I have hard cold numbers in front of me and I can't make excuses - the results are right there in black and white, no fudging allowed. I know the above guy wasn't talking about standard deviation but it's still good brain food. Just not sure if I should swallow it.

I've never played Strip Poker in my life.


# posted by Ignatious : 10:39 AM

posted by burrapaca at 9:25 PM

wTuesday, December 30, 2003

primer post en [mutantis.blogspot.com]

viernes, noviembre 07, 2003

Amigos Mutantes:
Este blog es para que intercambiemos ideas, así como para mantenernos enterados de lo que nos ocurre a diario, como de las actividades desarrolladas y a desarrollar por los mutantes.

# posted by Mutantes : 7:46 PM

posted by burrapaca at 9:44 AM

wMonday, December 29, 2003

primer post en [amkan.blogspot.com]

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Portfolio Manager: Investor - MSN Money

// posted by amuchamu @ 9:42 AM

posted by burrapaca at 9:08 AM

wSunday, December 28, 2003

primer post en [eish.blogspot.com]

dissabte, desembre 27, 2003


El meu primer post....Acabo de trobar aquesta web i m'ha agradat. Ara mateix hauria d'estar estudiant, però la veritat és que no en tinc gaires ganes. La vida de l'estudiant és molt dura, sobretot al Nadal. D'aquí poc vindran els meus cosins a sopar. Porto un ritme que quan se m'acudeixi pesar-me destrossaré la bàscula. Més em val que no mengi massa més, i quan torni al bàsquet correr com un cabrón...Ara, k akesta nit m'esperen embotits, torrons...és igual. M'està parlant l'Ana. Em sembla que s'aborreix una mica també..... ;). Això d'haver-se de pasar els nadals així és realment una merda. Ara mateix m'agradaria estar passejant per Portal de l'Àngel amb l'Ana, tranquilament, sense haver de pensar amb exàmens ni pràctiques, sense preocupacions de cap tipus....la vida és cada cop més complicada a mesura que et fas gran. Ara ja en tinc 23, i la cosa comença a pesar. No estic de gaire humor en aquest moment,eh? Bueno, vaig a fer alguna cosa.

# postejació feta per Xavi : 12/27/2003 07:59:19 PM

posted by burrapaca at 1:22 AM


primer post en [pobreteatro.blogspot.com]

sábado, diciembre 27, 2003

Pensad que todo es nuevo.

Nuevas caras. Nuevos métodos. Nuevos compañeros. Todo nuevo.
Pensad que somos nuevos.
Tu eres nuevo.
¿El teatro es nuevo?
¿De que va esto del teatro?

Este rincón es nuevo.

Espero que entre todos hablemos sobre lo nuevo.
Sobre el teatro.

# posted by pobreteatro @ 12/27/2003 02:58:37 PM

posted by burrapaca at 1:20 AM


primer post en [deepspaceradartelemetry.blogspot.com]

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Hello! This, of course, is a blog totally dedicated to the SciFi show "Stargate-SG1" and anything else Stargate related. I'm still getting it up and running, so bear with me. Thanks!
~Sharky~ at 12/27/2003 07:10:28 PM

posted by burrapaca at 1:17 AM

wSaturday, December 27, 2003

primer post de sonao en [sonaohamuerto.blogspot.com]


El mail de arkania. O el por qué de la cuestión, el inicio del final, la madre que los parió que agusto se quedó.

Arkania empezó como un servidor gratuito, sin publicidad, con taco de megas, facilidades, servicio personal y con un toque progre. Así ha terminado. Los jipis nunca ganaremos en nada.



Como habrás podido comprobar, este pasado fin de semana el servidor de Arkãnia ha estada caído. La causa, la de siempre. Imbéciles los hay y los seguirá habiendo, y con internet lo tienen fácil para meterse hasta la cocina de casa. Esta vez la cosa ya ha ido demasiado lejos, hemos tenido que restaurarlo todo, cambio de disco incluido, se han visto comprometidos los datos de otros dominios alojados en el servidor, de empresas que pagan por ello. Lo peor de esta vez es que quien se ha colado en el servidor lo ha hecho gracias a un phpNuke or phpWiki de un usuario de Arkãnia, aprovechándose de un enorme fallo de seguridad de una versión antigua de estos scripts. ¿Por qué es peor esto? Porque nos es prácticamente imposible saber cuál de los numerosos phpNukes de nuestros usuarios (no el usuario en sí mismo) es el culpable, con lo cual no podemos poner de nuevo Arkãnia online. Si lo hacemos, en poco tiempo estaremos de nuevo en las mismas. Además, la empresa que se encarga de mon!
itorizar la máquina y velar por su seguridad ya nos ha dicho que si arkania.org sigue estando ahí ellos no se hacen cargo del asunto. Conclusión: se acabó Arkãnia. Doloroso momento. Hemos pasado por innumerables malos momentos, saliendo siempre adelante porque creíamos en el proyecto y podíamos asumir el coste tanto económico como personal que conllevaba. Esto hasta el fatídico viernes 19 de diciembre de 2003, que va a pasar a la historia como otro 11 de septiembre de 2001. Simplemente, no podemos seguir haciéndonos cargo de un proyecto que, aparte de implicar muchas horas de trabajo de administración y algo de dinero que teníamos ya asumido y aceptábamos, nos ha conllevado ya muchas noches y fines de semana arruinados por culpa de irresponsables que han hecho de internet un campo abonado para sus malas artes. Esto, sin contar el coste económico que ha implicado restaurar este fin de semana todo el servidor. Y ya van muchas noches, fines de semana y costes adicionales. Since!
ramente, nos duele, pero no podemos seguir con esto.

Para recuperar tus datos (web y/o base de datos) nos lo dices y los pondremos a tu disposición en un fichero comprimido.

Se nos hace un poco difícil desearte buenas fiestas como despedida. Sólo esperamos que los dioses te sean más propicios en otros asuntos de lo que han sido con Arkãnia.


(con este nick nada bueno te puede pasar...)

# en memoria de sonao : 12/26/2003 04:06:10 PM // 0 comentarios

posted by burrapaca at 2:15 PM

wFriday, December 26, 2003

primer post en [perso.wanadoo.es/e/jrchikete/putokrio.htm]

lunes, diciembre 15, 2003


Uno-dos-uno-dos-probando-probando. Arranca la singladura de este weblog que pretende convertirse en epicentro de las habituales paridas y ladridos de yo mismo con mi mecanismo. Algunos ya me conoceréis por infamias tan entrañables como el programa de tele Red Infernal, la revista Kabuki o el weblog de Plus.es, La Página Mutante, proyectos con un denominador en común: todos fueron cancelados a causa de la irresponsabilidad supina de su autor, empeñado en decir y hacer lo que no se debe en una gran empresa y, sobre todo, pasarse las fechas de entrega por el forro de los cojones.

En breve estarán a punto el resto de secciones, espero darle especial atención a la de vídeos, donde colgaré mis nuevos y antiguos cortos (Amanaun, el niño salvaje, Charli Busca, Cómete a tus padres), además de innumerables vídeos de contenido social y otros trabajos de realizadores tan internacionales como Pedro Temboury, Manuel Romo y Diego Abad, es decir, la gente con la que bebo en los bares y esnifo en los wáteres. Por lo demás, lo de siempre: cine, cómics, links, popstars femeninas, libros que comentaré habitualmente fumado y putoskríos, muchos putoskríos: mis hermanas venidas de oriente, Alba Yong Fen y Olga Gan Bo Yin, mi hermano, el cortometrajista juvenil, ex-jugador de Warhammer y DJ Bakala, Charli Riera, y mi abuelo Reyes López, que en el ocaso de su existencia ha sufrido un regreso neuronal al pasado que le ha transformado en un ser de lo más curioso. Pues eso, que ya tardáis en dejar un mensaje proponiéndome lo que sea o mandándome a la mierda. Como de

posted by burrapaca at 1:42 PM


primer post en [sintrigo.blogspot.com]


Esto empieza acá.
Y qué?
La idea original era vender el tÃtulo a otros bloggers.
Vamos a ver qué utilidad le damos a esto.
No esperen grandezas. Me las guardo para mi.
Las cosas MUY ocurrentes y/o poéticas que se me ocurren van a papel y lápiz and i keep them for my self.
No esperen nada porque nada les daré, a veces algo, quizás.

# posted by peluca : 1:52 AM
Ya están comentando

posted by burrapaca at 11:33 AM


primer post en [perso.wanadoo.es/e/jrchikete/putokrio.htm]

lunes, diciembre 15, 2003


Uno-dos-uno-dos-probando-probando. Arranca la singladura de este weblog que pretende convertirse en epicentro de las habituales paridas y ladridos de yo mismo con mi mecanismo. Algunos ya me conoceréis por infamias tan entrañables como el programa de tele Red Infernal, la revista Kabuki o el weblog de Plus.es, La Página Mutante, proyectos con un denominador en común: todos fueron cancelados a causa de la irresponsabilidad supina de su autor, empeñado en decir y hacer lo que no se debe en una gran empresa y, sobre todo, pasarse las fechas de entrega por el forro de los cojones.

En breve estarán a punto el resto de secciones, espero darle especial atención a la de vídeos, donde colgaré mis nuevos y antiguos cortos (Amanaun, el niño salvaje, Charli Busca, Cómete a tus padres), además de innumerables vídeos de contenido social y otros trabajos de realizadores tan internacionales como Pedro Temboury, Manuel Romo y Diego Abad, es decir, la gente con la que bebo en los bares y esnifo en los wáteres. Por lo demás, lo de siempre: cine, cómics, links, popstars femeninas, libros que comentaré habitualmente fumado y putoskríos, muchos putoskríos: mis hermanas venidas de oriente, Alba Yong Fen y Olga Gan Bo Yin, mi hermano, el cortometrajista juvenil, ex-jugador de Warhammer y DJ Bakala, Charli Riera, y mi abuelo Reyes López, que en el ocaso de su existencia ha sufrido un regreso neuronal al pasado que le ha transformado en un ser de lo más curioso. Pues eso, que ya tardáis en dejar un mensaje proponiéndome lo que sea o mandándome a la mierda. Como de costumbre, estoy abierto a lo que sea. De patas.

enviado por putokrio el 15.12.03

Comment (0)

posted by burrapaca at 11:22 AM

wThursday, December 25, 2003

primer post en [devilsfanjacko.blogspot.com]

Saturday, November 22, 2003

is blogger really better than xanga?
i have to see for myself

OMG. the funniest thing just happened. So yesterday, i called my APSC100 group about our meeting today at 3. the only thing was, i forgot to tell bryan that we were gonna meet at HIS place. so i go there at 3, and the door was closed. i knocked on the door, and this girls voice was like "just a minute". i waited for 5 minutes and he finally opened the door. and then this girl just left. i was shocked, because, seriously, who the heck has sex at 3 in the afternoon? and secondly, embarrassed that i'd come at the wrong time. haha. anyway, a couple of minutes later, evan and derek showed up. but really, next time i should remember to call everyone about the meeting time, so they don't end up doing something else...

i still can't stop laughing. and bryan's face was SO RED afterwards. HAHA. sorry dude...i didn't mean to interrupt

jacko ! 11/22/2003 08:48:23 PM

posted by burrapaca at 11:08 AM

wWednesday, December 24, 2003

primer post en [xposex.blogspot.com]

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

11:38pm 12.24.03 Christmas Eve
I've told myself so countless times and have started so many journals but all which have ended in laziness.this being another atemptt.
- posted by Martin @ 8:36 PM

posted by burrapaca at 8:59 PM

wTuesday, December 23, 2003

primer post en [bloggerhosting.com/movies]

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

OK. I'll get started real soon.
Posted by: Mike @ 4:50 PM

posted by burrapaca at 10:06 AM

wMonday, December 22, 2003

primer post en [amebahoy.blogspot.com]

lunes, diciembre 22, 2003

Antes hubo una pa¡gina llamada AMEBA.CL de la cual salia esta.
Esa la habia hecho para poner en ella las cosas que de internet iba rescatando, las cosas que me gustaban y algunas de las que iba haciendo.
Sin embargo comenzaron a pasarme algunas cosas en mi vida que hicieron que perdiera un poco el entusiasmo inicial en el asunto y me enfocara en otras cosas o en ninguna cosa (dependiendo del dia).
Poca gente va a leer esto asi que a pesar de ser personal les contare que ademas de andar un poco deprimido (principal razon para dejar de actualizar a AMEBA) tambien llego a Chile mi novia y vivi con ella un par de semanas. Fin de anio y muuuucho trabajo... cambio de domicilio de mi trabajo y un sistema de seguridad que me obliga a irme a la hora porque a nadie le gusta ser el ultimo en cerrar esta casa...
no me extiendo mas, pero en definitiva una suma de factores.

Solo me queda poder ordenar mis tiempos.
ah. y para MAriano de Mexico un abrazo a la distancia (ya que eres al unico al que le di esta direccion supongo que seras el unico que lea este post)

Posted by rodrigo @ 12/22/2003 05:05:41 AM

posted by burrapaca at 9:43 AM

wSunday, December 21, 2003

primer post en [www.gorkalimotxo.net/mt]

Julio 01, 2003


El hombre detenido en Loja (Granada) por mantener secuestrada a su hija de siete años desde hace año y medio en un zulo de una nave industrial, ha escapado esta noche de las dependencias en las que permanecía por orden judicial. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2003/07/01/sociedad/1057051587.html

Tras su detención en una operación puesta en marcha hace varias semanas por la Guardia Civil y que culminó ayer, el hombre, de 42 años e identificado como J.L.C.B., fue encarcelado por orden judicial, a la espera de los trámites del caso.

La fuga se ha producido esta madrugada y la Policía Local de Loja (Granada) ha abierto diligencias para esclarecer las circunstancias en las que se produjo la huida.

La niña fue secuestrada el 28 de noviembre de 2001 en Madrid, donde vivía con su madre, a la que arrebató por la fuerza y bajo amenazas.

Desde la fecha del secuestro, J.L.C.B., de 42 años, detenido anteriormente en otras seis ocasiones por delitos relativos a la prostitución y contra el patrimonio, permanecía en paradero desconocido.

Tras conocer que el individuo frecuentaba clubes de alterne de la comarca de Loja y de la provincia de Málaga, la Guardia Civil estableció un dispositivo especial que le condujo a unas naves industriales que, hace años, albergaron negocios de cría de champiñones.

En la nave junto a tres prostitutas

En el registro, los agentes localizaron una pared falsa en una de ellas que escondía una puerta camuflada que comunicaba con un escondite, en el que se ocultaban la hija y su padre, que ofreció una dura resistencia a ser detenido.

Los agentes comprobaron posteriormente que el detenido había instalado en las naves cámaras de vigilancia por las que vio llegar a los guardias civiles, aunque no le dio tiempo de huir pero sí de esconderse.

La niña, que compartía escondite con tres mujeres que trabajaban en dos clubes de alterne, de Loja y de Villanueva del Trabuco (Málaga) y con un hombre, encargado de trasladar a las prostitutas, ha pasado a disposición al Servicio de Protección de Menores de la Junta de Andalucía.

Al padre de la pequeña le constan dos requisitorias, una de un juzgado de Málaga para su ingreso en prisión, y otra de un juzgado de Madrid derivada del secuestro de su hija y por amenazas a la madre.

Posted by gorkalimotxo at Julio 1, 2003 12:54 PM

posted by burrapaca at 2:45 AM


primer post en [dulciena.blogspot.com]

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Ayse....is this a Private blog...or can I mention it on my blog?

# posted by tony : 1:18 PM

posted by burrapaca at 12:57 AM


primer post en [www.aaronjones.com/japan/blog]


[caracteres japoneses]

// posted by Aaron @ 11:55 ??

posted by burrapaca at 12:55 AM

wSaturday, December 20, 2003

primer post en [www.eddriscoll.com]

Friday, March 01, 2002

Posted 2:47 PM by Edward Driscoll
This is a test. My first actual Blog. God help us all.

posted by burrapaca at 1:17 AM

wFriday, December 19, 2003

primer post en [www.guate360.com/blog]

Octubre 28, 2003

¿Qué es un blog? ¿Por qué un blog de Guatemala?

Muchos amigos han empezado a visitar este sitio siendo su primera pregunta respecto a la explicación de ¿qué es un blog?.

Un blog, weblog o bitácora (para los que no les gusta usar spanglish) es un sitio web de actualización cronológica (como un diario) por su autor o autores que busca hablar de una temática particular relacionada con quien escribe.

En nuestro caso, "Blog de mi Guatemala" es un espacio para compartir cronológicamente lo que percibimos en este país de la eterna primavera. El blog está estructurado por categorías: acerca de, eventos, fiestas, lo vi en la calle, noticias, política, reseñas, sitios web y turismo; siendo posible su expansión futura cuando alguna nota no encaje en ninguna categoría.

El propósito de este espacio es ejercer nuestra libertad de expresión para compartir todos nuestros puntos de vista pero manteniendo el enfoque con nuestro país. No pretendemos ser un blog personal ni un medio de comunicación aunque si queremos promover eventos culturales, de recreación y turismo dando también nuestros puntos de vista sobre la autorida política y otras noticias de Guatemala.

Si te gusta o disgusta este espacio utiliza el espacio de comentarios que hay en cada mensaje o contáctanos por privado. Este sitio también lo conforman una galería de panorámicas y fotografías, asi como una sección de enlaces.

Si eres de Guatemala o tienes algun enlace con el país y te interesa compartir algo para discutir contáctanos. Eventualmente podemos incluir a nuevos escritores que colaboren y estamos abiertos a cualquier propuesta para aprovechar este espacio.

Bienvenido y que disfrutes el Blog de mi Guatemala!
Publicado por cvdhs. Octubre 28, 2003 11:28 PM | TrackBacks

posted by burrapaca at 9:15 AM

wThursday, December 18, 2003

primer post (de los disponibles) en [rednow.org]


PETA = Dumbasses Not that I'm particularly wild over Siegfried and ROy, but dang, people, give the man some time to recover.
said dave at 11:37 AM +

posted by burrapaca at 10:08 AM


primer post en [orangemecanique.blogspot.com]

jeudi, décembre 18, 2003

Au commencement....
Le premier 'post' de mon blog.
J'espère vous faire partager mon intérêt pour la balle orange en général et le basket NBA en particulier.
Comme bien souvent les actes précèdent les idées , et à l'heure actuelle je ne sais pas encore quelle direction emprunteront mes divagations.
Mais si les dites divagations vous divertissent ...alors j'aurai accompli mon office.

à bientôt (hé oui ce soir je vais voir le troisième volume d'une trilogie bien connue)

à bientôt
- posted by Noël @ jeudi, décembre 18, 2003

posted by burrapaca at 10:06 AM

wWednesday, December 17, 2003

primer post en [siritinga.blogspot.com]

sábado, noviembre 15, 2003

Un día cualquiera no sabes qué hora es...
y pinchando de un lado para otro acabas creando una bitácora, así por las buenas.
Esperemos que dure más que una décima de segundo.

# escrito por Zahorí
comentarios (2)

y primer post en [siritinga.webcindario.com]

Jueves, 4 de Diciembre de 2003

Categorías: General

Instrucciones para montar un kiosko

Bien, pues ya está montado el nuevo tenderete. Después de probar con Blogger en http://siritinga.blogspot.com/, empiezo en este nuevo sitio que ofrece PHP y MySQL, necesarios para hacer funcionar sistemas como B2evolution. Seguiremos informando.
(por Zahorí) - 1 comentario - Trackback (0) - Pingback (0) - [#]

posted by burrapaca at 10:12 PM


primer post en [jacinto.blogspot.com]

martes, febrero 25, 2003

Al final me decidi. Voy a escribir. Y no ya solo en la hoja de texto esa que tengo por ahi donde escribo mis pajas mentales (tranquilos no voy a poner nada de eso, a nadie le interesa que se sepa y menos a mi). Lo unico que me queda ya por contar es mi vida. Casi nada, la verdad. No se que contare, porque es bastante aburrida y si pasa algo interesante me daria palo contarlo. En fin, procurare no aludir a la gente porque a mi tampoco me gusta que usen mi nombre pa ponerme verde y que lo vea todo el mundo (gracias a R por no poner mi nombre aquella vez, solo pusiste $%&/%, que tampoco me hizo mucha gracia pero en fin, que sepas que te quiero mucho a pesar de todo). Todavia nadie tiene mi web, bueno, solo Inma (la pongo porque conozco muchas). Enhorabuena, eres the FIRST. A ver como se va llenando esto dia tras dia.
Jacinto posted this at 4:28 PM.

posted by burrapaca at 10:28 AM

wTuesday, December 16, 2003

primer post en [mistresseve.blogspot.com]

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Well, Welcome To My Domain....Here you shall uncover the random life of me!

// posted by Eve @ 1:27 PM

posted by burrapaca at 10:35 AM

wMonday, December 15, 2003

primer post en [www.filmica.com/hardasmal]

14 de Diciembre de 2003

La Trilogía de Indy en DVD

Por fin se editó la popular trilogia del aventurero Indy Jones (si, ese señor con sombrero y latigo sospechosamente parecido a otro personaje de aventuras de hace muchos años encarnado por Charlton Heston en El Secreto de los Incas (1954). Pero hay que comprar un pack con las tres películas y un cuarto dvd de extras. No es posible adquirirlas por separado.
La cuestión es que veremos si ocurre como con Regreso al Futuro: tuvieron que rendirse a las peticiones, pues eran muchos los usuarios que deseaban adquirir sólo la primera entrega. El tiempo lo dirá.
Escrito por Sergio Hardasmal en: Diciembre 14, 2003 10:14 PM | TrackBack

posted by burrapaca at 9:32 PM


primer post en [www.filmica.com/david_bravo]

12 de Diciembre de 2003

El argumento de moda

La SGAE debe tener, me imagino, un "Catecismo del Buen Asociado" donde se describe el argumento de moda del momento.

El que ahora está pegando fuerte es ese de "¿por qué preocuparse por algo como el acceso a la cultura cuando hay problemas más graves como lo es la casi imposibilidad de acceder a una vivienda?".

Siguiendo esa absurda tesis de "preocupate solo por el problema mayor" no se entiende qué hace esa asociación llevándose las manos a la cabeza por el uso de las redes P2P mientras se mueren 35.000 niños de hambre al día. En lugar de decirnos a nosotros que nos preocupemos por problemas mayores ¿no debería predicar esa asociación con el ejemplo? Podríamos decirles, por ejemplo, que qué hace María Jiménez en una apisonadora aplastando Cds piratas cuando hay guerras desgarradoras en el mundo.

Esa filosofía grabada a fuego en las mentes de las marionetas que hacen de portavoz de la SGAE se reduciría a lo siguiente: ¿Por qué me preocupo por la legalidad de las redes P2P cuando hay problemas mayores? ¿Y para qué preocuparme por problemas mayores si son tan grandes que están fuera de mi alcance? Mis problemas cercanos son intrascendentes por pequeños y los grandes son imposibles de solucionar para un mequetrefe como yo. Conclusión: mejor me quedo en casa viendo Salsa Rosa.

La gravedad de los problemas tiende al infinito. La libertad de las redes P2P no son nada en comparación con la imposibilidad de acceder a la vivienda, que a su vez se queda en nada ante los miles de muertos de Irak, que son poca cosa si los comparamos con los 35.000 niños que mueren de hambre al día, que, ya puestos, son una nimiedad en comparación con un posible y tal vez no muy lejano desastre nuclear que nos desintegre a todos.

En el mundo de la pasividad es absurdo decir que una protesta sea prescindible por existir otras más urgentes.

Además, lo que para la SGAE es una nimiedad puede que para mi no lo sea. En concreto unas redes P2P libres significan un acceso ilimitado a la cultura, acceso que, por otro lado, es un derecho constitucional (y lo seguirá siendo independientemente de si esa asociación lo valora o no). Hay maneras alternativas (esgrimidas por la "postura minimalista") para remunerar los derechos de los autores sin necesidad de limitar ese acceso y sin necesidad de meter la mano en los bolsillos de los ciudadanos. Sin necesidad, tampoco, de cobrar una propina de 5.000.000 de euros gracias al canon (y una vez descontadas las, por ellos supuestas, pérdidas de la piratería y de las descargas de las redes P2P). "Es una nimiedad esto que te he robado, discutamos de las cosas realmente importantes" dice el ladrón mientras se guarda la cartera de su víctima.
Escrito por David Bravo en: Diciembre 12, 2003 12:30 AM | TrackBack

posted by burrapaca at 9:25 PM


primer post en [www.filmica.com/sonia_blanco]

12 de Diciembre de 2003

Cuestionar los medios

Hace ya bastante tiempo que oí hablar por primera vez de lo que era un weblog. En aquel entonces, muchos periodistas (principalmente corresponsales de guerra) los utilizaban como un modo de poder publicar los artículos que sus medios no les permitían publicar, y es lo que se conoce como warblogs . Aunque es cierto que ya llevaban mucho tiempo usándose.

Hoy en día el uso de weblogs se ha generalizado y cualquier persona puede tener el suyo propio en biblioteca inmensa que es internet.

La diferencia está en que en las bibliotecas reales hay unos criterios determinados para seleccionar que volúmenes entrarán a formar parte de la colección. Mientras que en internet como ya hemos dicho, "cualquier" persona, "cualquier" idea encuentra su hueco y su modo de difusión indiscriminado.

Esto, evidentemente, es un arma de doble filo. Por un lado, culturas minoritarias, etnias desfavorecidas, etc, pueden encontrar su voz y su manera de ser escuchadas aún fuera del circuito mediático imperante en occidente, cuyo criterio de selección de noticias (agenda setting) está más condicionado por intereses empresariales que periodísticos.

Pero por otro, cualquier descerebrado puede difundir cualquier estupidez, y si no, no hay más que remitirse a las noticias falsas o "fakes" que con tanta frecuencia se distribuyen rápidamente por internet con pocas posibilidades de que su corrección de difunda a la misma velocidad.

Y aquí estoy yo, periodista por vocación, que en ocasiones siento la egocéntrica necesidad de exponer públicamente mis reflexiones en distintos campos. Por eso surge este weblog, sobre todo como punto de partida para que nos cuestionemos todo la información que recibimos a diario de los medios de comunicación convencionales: prensa, radio, televisión y por qué no, la prensa electrónica también.

Espero que me ayudéis en la tarea y podamos debatir sobre éste y otros muchos temas.

Sonia Blanco
Escrito por sblanco en: Diciembre 12, 2003 09:25 AM | TrackBack

[aunque su primer post realmente fue este]

Noviembre 19, 2003

probando categorias

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Escrito por sblanco en: Noviembre 19, 2003 08:08 PM | TrackBack

posted by burrapaca at 9:21 PM


primer post en [chimpshack.blogspot.com]

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Isaac's old roommate, Kee, uses this blogging business. Trying it out. Fairly sophisticated.

blog = WebLog. Ah!
- Scrappy Kid at 4:19 PM

posted by burrapaca at 10:21 AM

wSunday, December 14, 2003

primer post en [exchristian.net]

August 25, 2002

Dear Believer
.: posted Sunday, August 25, 2002 by the WebMaster

by Dan Barker

Dear Believer, ? You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful.

You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don?t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity?

I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man?s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, wizards, and sorcerers really exist; food rained from the sky for 40 years; people were cured by the sight of a brass serpent; the sun stood still to help Joshua win a battle, and it went backward for King Hezekiah; men survived unaided in a fiery furnace; a detached hand floated in the air and wrote on a wall; men followed a star which directed them to a particular house; Jesus walked on water unaided; fish and bread magically multiplied to feed the hungry; water instantly turned into wine; mental illness is caused by demons; a ?devil? with wings exists who causes evil; people were healed by stepping into a pool agitated by angels; disembodied voiced spoke from the sky; Jesus vanished and later materialized from thin air; people were healed by Peter?s shadow; angels broke people out of jail; a fiery lake of eternal torment awaits unbelievers under the earth ... while there is life-after-death in a city which is 1,500 miles cubed, with mansions and food, for Christians only.

If you believe these stories, then you are the one with the problem, not me. These myths violate natural law, contradict science, and fail to correspond with reality or logic. If you can?t see that, then you can?t separate truth from fantasy. It doesn?t matter how many people accept delusions inflicted by ?holy? men; a widely held lie is still a lie. If you are so gullible, then you are like the child who believes the older brother who says there is a monster in the hallway. But there is nothing to be afraid of; go turn on the light and look for yourself.

If Christianity were simply untrue I would not be too concerned. Santa is untrue, but it is a harmless myth which people outgrow. But Christianity, besides being false, is also abhorrent. It amazes me that you claim to love the god of the bible, a hateful, arrogant, sexist, cruel being who can?t tolerate criticism. I would not want to live in the same neighborhood with such a creature!

The biblical god is a macho male warrior. Though he said ?Thou shalt not kill,? he ordered death for all opposition, wholesale drowning and mass exterminations; punishes offspring to the fourth generation (Ex. 20:5); ordered pregnant women and children to be ripped up (Hos. 13:16); demands animal and human blood to appease his angry vanity; is partial to one race of people; judges women to be inferior to men; is a sadist who created a hell to torture unbelievers; created evil (Is. 45:7); discriminated against the handicapped (Lev. 21:18-23); ordered virgins to be kept as spoils of war (Num. 31:15-18, Deut. 21:11-14); spread dung on people?s faces (Mal. 2:3); sent bears to devour 42 children who teased a prophet (II Kings 2:23-24); punishes people with snakes, dogs, dragons, drunkenness, swords, arrows, axes, fire, famine, and infanticide; and said fathers should eat their sons (Ez. 5:10). Is that nice? Would you want to live next door to such a person?

And Jesus is a chip off the old block. He said, ?I and my father are one,? and he upheld ?every jot and tittle? of the Old Testament law. Mt. 5:18 He preached the same old judgment: vengeance and death, wrath and distress, hell and torture for all nonconformists. He believed in demons, angels and spirits. He never denounced the subjugation of slaves or women. Women were excluded as disciples and as guests at his heavenly table. Except for hell he introduced nothing new to ethics or philosophy. He was disrespectful of his mother and brothers; he said we should hate our parents and desert our families. Mt. 10:35-36, Lk. 14:26 (So much for ?Christian family life.?) He denounced anger, but was often angry himself. Mt. 5:22, Mk. 3:5 He called people ?fools? (Mt. 23:17,19), ?serpents,? and ?white sepulchers,? though he warned that such language puts you in danger of hellfire. Mt. 5:22 He said ?Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword." Mt. 10:34 (So much for ?Peace on Earth.?) He irrationally cursed and withered a fig tree for being barren out of season. Mt. 21:19 He mandated burning unbelievers. Jn. 15:6 (The Church has complied with relish.) He stole a horse. Lk. 19:30-33 He told people to cut off hands, feet, eyes and sexual organs. Mt. 5:29-30, 19:12 You want me to accept Jesus, but I think I?ll pick my own friend, thank you.

One of Jesus?s many contradictions was saying good works should be seen, and not seen. Mt. 5:16, 6:1-4 One of his mistakes was saying that the mustard plant has the smallest seed. Mt. 13:31-32 The writers of Matthew and Luke could not even get his genealogy straight, contradicting the Old Testament, and giving Jesus two discrepant lines through Joseph, his non-father!

I also find Christianity to be morally repugnant. The concepts of original sin, depravity, substitutionary forgiveness, intolerance, eternal punishment, and humble worship are all beneath the dignity of intelligent human beings and conflict with the values of kindness and reason. They are barbaric ideas for primitive cultures cowering in fear and ignorance.

Finally, Christianity is harmful. More people have been killed in the name of a god than for any other reason. The Church has a shameful, bloody history of Crusades, Inquisitions, witch-burnings, heresy trials, American colonial intolerance, disrespect of indigenous traditions (such as American Indians), support of slavery, and oppression of women. Modern ?fruits? of religion include the Jonestown massacre, the callous fraud of ?faith healers,? recent wars and ethnic cleansing, and fighting in Northern Ireland. Religion also poses a danger to mental health, damaging self-respect, personal responsibility, and clarity of thought.

Do you see why I do not respect the biblical message? It is an insulting bag of nonsense. You have every right to torment yourself with such insanity ? but leave me out of it. I have better things to do with my life.

[ 80 comments posted ]

posted by burrapaca at 5:07 AM


primer post en [mydonkeyiscalledbjarte.blogspot.com]

Monday, November 24, 2003

Brown M&Ms have less preservatives because chocolate is already brown
Ronan: i had one yesterday ooo and guess wot me dog
almost made me blind lol
Anna: lol, what did he do this time?
Ronan: it wos the other dog.. waffle..but i wos lying
on me parends bed and he came up and he wos gonna lie
down as well and he poked me in the eye with his claw
Anna: awww, poor you... right on yer parends
bed even :p
Ronan: lol wot.. its comfy
Anna: wtf is a parend?
Ronan: they're like parents.. but dumber

I never said it was gonna be interesting...

// posted by Anna @ 8:07 PM

posted by burrapaca at 5:04 AM

wSaturday, December 13, 2003

primer post en [laventanaindiscreta.blogspot.com]

29 noviembre 2003

Vamos a estrenar esto. De momento se lo vamos a dedicar al que pase por aquí. Un saludo

Masticado por Papuchis 29.11.03

Comment (0)

posted by burrapaca at 5:58 AM


primer post en [simplyrestless.netfirms.com]

Monday, July 21 2003

Epilogue of Dream

life is a dream
a thought full of expectations and love
a place made of glittering stars

but the glitters fade
and expectations rise up to Himalayas proportion

the dream shatters
and the pieces scatter, hard to be picked up again

a lost soul sobs in the alley way of darkness
crying softly and asks, "where are you, love?"

© Oranje, 2003
? oranje17 was simply restless @ 17:52 ? comment ?

posted by burrapaca at 2:03 AM

wFriday, December 12, 2003

primer post en [bitsofmadness.com]


Sometimes it just seems so pointless.
10.20.2003 @ 1:20 AM; speak; #

posted by burrapaca at 9:38 AM


primer post en [rofrodowhodo.blogspot.com]

Wednesday, September 4 2003

Good Morning boys + girls, freaks and geeks,

how bout some bloggin w/ your good friend fro?

fro * 9/4/2002 09:52:27 AM

posted by burrapaca at 9:36 AM

wThursday, December 11, 2003

primer post en [www.terre.perpietro.com]

04 ottobre 2003

Chi sono?
Il mio nome è Pietro Busalacchi abito e lavoro a Modena. Vivo del mio stipendio e lavoro per guadagnarmelo.

Sono in mezzo ai blog dal Luglio del 2002. TerrePerPietro.com nasce dal distacco dell'anima di BlogOltre dal suo "corpo".

Quest'anima senza corpo è un fantasma errabondo la cui principale missione è sempre stata l'incessante ricerca delle Terre Per Pietro, luoghi speciali a cui anelo da una vita.

In queste pagine troverete la cronaca di questo viaggio senza meta.

E appunti sparsi.

Permalink # Camera Caritatis # 0 commenti

posted by burrapaca at 10:02 AM


primer post en [zencester.blogspot.com]

Thursday, November 27, 2003

OKIes. har har har.. i am back in this blogging business... loads of things happen ... but i am so lazy to type so .. yea...
anyways there's problem with front page so decided to put the blog up first... so yea.. its just plain simple and i like it very much .. so .. stick around here.. and check out for more cool updates.. bout me.. and basically the things around me.. ! anyways if u noticed yes i changed my car ... cos i crashed the other one so har har har.. anyways do stick around and i see ya soon !! cheers! zen/03

|| posted by zen chiang

posted by burrapaca at 9:52 AM


primer post en [www.knobby.co.uk]

Saturday, February 01, 2003

... another weekend another fire strike, surely someone can sort this mess out, war looks every more lightly as well ... not good news about the space shuttle with all 7 astronauts feared dead ...Chelsea continue unbeaten run against Spuds with a dissapointing 1-1 draw (still 4th in table) and Reading win 5-2 away from home ...

... old posts ...

... was sent this link by marc all about logistics of setting up an orgy, well funny ... weebl & bob have finished all the loose ends by completing day 7, yarr ! ... perhaps ambitious terror attackers will soon be investigating the possibilities of cloud seeding ... big game this weekend, c'mon Chelsea lets condemn the yids to another pointless visit to the bridge ...

rant time again ... i am fed up with sport being used by small-minded people as boycott / political material and then forcing it down everyone's throat, everyone is entiltiled to make a living these days and the thought that stopping the tour of South Africa the aforementioned reasons is going to make any difference to the evil dictatorship going on there is tosh. On the other hand the poor guys being forced by the ECB, who do not want to go, can kiss their careers goodbye as they will probably never get picked for their national team again, so what choice do they have (not matter how high / low your morals are) ? For the ICC to claim not to be a political organisation, and therefore not to make political decisions about moving matches, is a fudge. This is a highly political "indecision" caused by those without the courage to face facts or consider the "people" aspect of the cricketers. Let those nations who don't object to the security situation in Zimbabwe and Kenya go ahead and play there by mutual consent. But the ICC must listen to those players who are concerned for their well-being, and act to address their concerns, or this whole situation will descend into a tragedy rather than just the current farce! ... rant over ...

...errr... it's snowing :o) ... they're sugary, they're yellow, they're going to save the world ... oops back to work ...

recovered from last night ... full report on chelsea game here ... ok, this is a great time waster ... something I for one definately need ... finally a little rant ... why oh why do some people not understand the art of conversation, quote from Idiot's Guide to Conversation: "Most people are easily bored by listening to someone else's life story or overuse of the "I" word in any conversation. Keep this in mind when you meet someone new and ask questions about him or her. This shows the other person that you are genuinely interested in getting to know more about him or her and will prove you to be someone who is a kind and considerate person. It will also help prevent you from worrying about how you are coming across because your attention will be focused on the other person instead of yourself", I apologise if I've got this wrong but I was always taught, unless you can contribute or add to the conversation in progress, shut the hell up !!! ... rant over ... we want one of these ...

Chelsea 3 Leeds 2 far too pissed and emotionally drained to post anymore :o)

first of all some prats broke into my mates car and on the off-chance they ever read this may a slow and painful death await you ... on a positive note big up to marc for sorting the javascript for my right frame ... englands cricket/politics trip to South Africa looks on verge of collapse (not the team this time) ... Leeds come to the bridge tonight so another 3 points for us ... if you were ever wondering about a vagina, location, general functions, and modes of operation ... festival time in Montana, not work-safe ... cool version of tetris here ... last year the Spear Toss game became something of an online classic, and we're now glad to say that the format has been adapted for wheelchair users ... lastly as you may know by now i work for easynet* I am using all of my powers to surpress a rant about this please read the original article. I cannot believe how someone so ridiculously ignorant about the internet can write such a bad article. I'm not saying the article is libel (thats not for me to decide) but it certainly is very misleading
*this post does not reflect the views of easynet, but i'm sure i'm not the only one who thinks this guy is being an ignorant twat

hmmm ... what a morning, new worm virus hits all ISP's and every customer & their dog has been calling in ... report on the Chelsea game is out ... and a preview of tomorrow nite's clash with Leeds ... a sweet musical bear for you ... virtual kaleidoscope - it's, like, far out ... err piccys of girls brushing their teeth, weird ...

STOP PRESS Chelsea away at Stoke on 15th / 16th Feb in FA Cup ...

la la la Zola we love you Zola ... a masterful performance by one & all saw us through 4-0 away at Shrewsbury and into the hat for the draw at 13:30 tomorrow ... what else to tell ? ... went to the gym again (hurts now though) ... played a bit more of Battlefield 1942 and took kids swimming ... new CD by Badly Drawn Boy is good ... talk later ...

bloody hell what a journey this morning, M4 was a nightmare, 90 mins to do 25 miles :( ... not sure what I make of this ... BRMB are in hot water after a stunt went wrong ... the kittens have been ousted and monkeys have taken over ... no more fiddling around with boring old Rizla packets design ur own ... any good at scrabble, chess or connect ? ... ever wanted to bounce like a kangaroo? ... try this and don't worry ... Elftor is an angry right-wing pixie who lives in a comic strip ... after several years of deliberating, dithering and whitepapering, the UK Government has finally come out fighting in its bid to stage the 2012 Olympic Games in London ... have a good weekend all !!

A row has flared after the "toffs" in Royal Windsor and Maidenhead launched a bid to split from neighbouring Slough because it is not posh enough. Campaigners want to drop the "SL" postcode for Slough and have their own, posher, WM postcode for Royal Windsor and Maidenhead. The last remaining tickets went on sale in the Shrewsbury end last Sunday, over 3000 shrews turned up from the local farms and villages to pick up the last 1000 tickets. Meanwhile, down at Stamford Bridge, FA Cup Mania wasn't quite so big... some helpful advice from rivals

ok I have changed everything to a blog ... err ... what now ??

i know ... tired of trying to decide which Nigerian bank to get your millions from? ... why don't we just give up on cricket ... the School League tables are out with Jemma's school doing OK ... my 3-year old Rachel will be very happy, with the news that children's favourites the Mr Men are to be revived, 15 years after the death of their creator Roger Hargreaves. Hargreave's son, Adam, has written and illustrated a set of new books featuring six new characters Mr Cool, Mr Rude, Mr Good, Little Miss Bad, Little Miss Scary and Little Miss Whoops ...

20/1 - ah well it was fun while it lasted .. Moan United turned us over 2-1 and we drop to 4th place in the League ... jimmy is staying by the sound of it (not sure if this is a good or bad thing) ... picked up a couple of cd's yesterday, new ones from Feeder and Foofighters ... finally started playing Battlefield 1942, what a blast, excellent online gaming fun for all, apart from the planes, how do u fly them properly ? ... is it just me or does this guy get up everyones nose ... what's wrong with the car now ... gold-diggers heaven ... icon wars (this is awesome) ... also considering moving all this to a blog as my mates have ... cyber-begging is taking off in a big way examples here ( 1, 2 & 3)

17/1 - Pt. II - Saturday, at Old Trafford will go some way to defining our season. A victory will ensure our fading title dream will linger on. Unfortunately, a draw or defeat will ensure that, once again, the elusive title will probably escape us for yet another year, at least! A defeat for the home side, allowing for the probable Arsenal win against West Ham, would see the gap at the top increase to a level that surely couldn't be breached. History proves that Chelsea should not be nervous about visiting Old Trafford, our record is second to none, and in fact the bitter taste of defeat has been rarely tasted in recent years. The recent defeat in the Worthington Cup, back in December, only emphasised how closely matched the two sides are. Only a rare slip from Gianfranco Zola and a dodgy offside decision, robbed Chelsea of yet another memorable result. No doubt the home support, drawn from the far-flung corners of the country will endeavour to ask "What's it like to play on grass?" ... hey look, make a complete twat of yourself for only £185 also heard recently ... A man hands over a £50 note to the turnstyle operator at White Hart Lane. Man: Two please. Turnstyle Operator: Will that be defenders or strikers, sir?

17/1 - Happy Birthday Dad ... Couple of questions to ponder first up ... Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out"? Who was the first one who thought that the white thing that came from a hen's bum looked edible? ... moving on swiftly ... think this is a wind-up ... will B&Q stock these ... Nimoy sings for the Hobbits (oh dear) ... err ?? drool ... who's is the hairest ?? Bought Battlefield 1942 last night, then had to wait ages for a 21 MB patch to d/load so will play tonight and report later

16/1 - have to admit to being a little disturbed by events lately ... another well-known TV personality is arrested ... why have we let over 7,000 Algerians into Britain when this type of thing happens ... economic future looks gloomy ... more cutbacks on the trains ... and banana's may become extinct ... on a lighter note though ... countdown to new president / keep an idiot busy / stupid video collection ... also I have changed this site to a frames-based structure now so hopefully less typing and more time for better content :P

15/1 - Cudicini got away without a ban ... excellent news and fully justified as the red card was punishment enough ... went to the local gym for first time in 6 months yesterday (a few aches & pains today). Will post more later ...

14/1 - Maxine dead and Emily with a very sore head..yes I stayed in and watched Coronation Street with the family last night, thought it was quite gruesome for pre-eight o'clock viewing but got my attention, Cudicini has his hearing with the FA today ... fingers crossed ...

13/1 - Unreal Tournament gets a makeover ... there was a global outcry yesterday after it was announced that a Sesame Street is to broadcast a controversial new episode that deals with the potential war with Iraq ... Chelsea stay in 3rd after completing the double over London neighbours Charlton 4-1 ... finally bought an Xbox on Saturday with Blinx / Sega GT2002 / Halo and Jet Set Radio (Sega GT2002 is sooooo good) ... also Friends Reunited may be put up for sale

9/1 - from Rivals...much ink has flowed and many bits have been transferred as the events during the 62nd minute of Chelsea's 4th round F.A. Cup tie against Middlesbrough have been churned over....

7/1 - Saw Nemesis tonight (Trek 10) Not the best Trek movie - that's First Contact - but one of the better ones. It benefited from being darker than normal (like Deep Space 9) and was truly poignant at the end. Last film? Don't make me laugh - as long as they make a reasonable profit, Paramount will want more. It's a franchise remember...and one to be milked till truly dry. As for the cast, expect either a TNG reunion for a special mission (like the later TOS movies) or a mixture of the TNG and Voyager crews, with perhaps the odd DS9-er thrown in (betting on the return of Chief O'Brien to the Enterprise anyone?). I'd give it 7/10 for trying hard and having a supreme baddy. Overall it was a good movie, but it wasn't the "Wow, omigod, did you see" kinda film I was hoping for.

7/1 - some more useless facts from anothersite...
Assuming Rudolph is in front, the number of possible way to arrange Santa's other eight reindeer is 40,320.
Divide your weight by six to get the approx. number of quarts of blood in your body.
A rat can go without water longer than a camel can.
Ben and Jerry's send the waste from making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. Pigs love the stuff, except for one flavor: Mint Oreo.
The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
Hummingbirds are the only animal that can fly backwards.
During his life time, the average male eats 50 tons of food.
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
Canada is an Indian word meaning "Big Village."
A frog can throw up. The frog throws up it's stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of it's mouth. Then the frog uses it's forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.
The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap and enough iron to make a single one inch nail.
Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself. How they tested this I'm afraid to ask.

Good piccy's from Slims page

6/1 - FA Cup 4th round draw - Shrewsbury Town vs. Chelsea 2 b played 25/26 Jan, stick figures have feelings...hopefully seeing Nemesis tomorrow nite..this made me laff also low budget Trek...the web was made for extreme ironing...also Lord of the Peeps ...

5/1 - First bit of snow fell this weekend (all 17 flakes of it), CFC struggled thru' to round 4 of FA Cup even though Carlo (our goalie) was sent off after an evil challenge from a 'Boro attacker that left him in the goal. Careful with dates on the net, Elbow get the kitten treatment. B3ta awards are in..best photoshop picture / my fav. / best webgame / i liked the suicidal puppy.. from Invisible Ink 10 Things you wish you didn't know..
1. During an hours swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 litres of urine.
2. In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles etc.)
3. In average persons yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.
4. In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects -while you slept!
5. Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.
6. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.
7. In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty linen basket ???
8. At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests.
9. Daily you will breath in 1 litre of other peoples' anal gases.
10. Sharing a bag of crisps with a friend gives you a 10% chance of ingesting a small amount of their faeces.

2/1/03 - !!! Happy New Year 2003 here we go Hope you all had a great night plenty of food and drink without overdoing it. Disasterous Christmas period for Chelsea only 1 point from 3 games :(.

29/12 - wtf is going on ???? Raneri makes 6 changes and we draw with Southampton at the Bridge 0-0, so we make 7 (yes seven) changes for the game away at Leeds and lose 2-0, what does Raneri have to say ? If that was me at work I'd be out of a job!!!. Here?s to the next unbeaten run of 11 League games, hopefully starting in four days time! Worried about making it to Midnight Mass on Christmas Day? Why not erect an inflatable church in your back garden? Christmas Cheer push someone down the stairs

22/12 - Chelsea finish 2002 instyle beating Villa 2-0 and 2nd in the table :) Time magazine has named three women as its Persons of the Year, Made-for-TV pop group Girls Aloud have landed the 2002 Christmas number one, just a month after they were formed. In America, people had heard of London, no-one had heard of the United Kingdom - they thought it was somewhere in the Middle East."

20/12 - Last full week of work nearly over for 2002, Chelsea went out of Worthington Cup as we were playing against 14 men instead of 11. Saw LOTR last night and it was awesome v.v. highly recomended. Wife's birthday yesterday (21 yet again) going to see CFC vs. Villa this weekend with Jemma then get the house ready and presents wrapped and festivities here we come.

16/12 - Very quiet weekend here, unfortunately Chelsea could only come away with a 1-1 draw against the smoggies and drop to 3rd, going to see Two Towers (a.k.a. Lord of The Rings Pt II) on Thursday, only 9 days to go until Christmas, also glad to see hit TV sitcom The Office won the Best TV Comedy and star Gervais, who plays cringeworthy boss David Brent, was crowned Best Comedy Actor, don't forget we are live on Sky Sports this Wednesday for the Worthington Cup Clash with United, laugh material today supplied by Joel Veitch with the return of the kitten band.

12/12 - A star reindeer in a South African shopping mall's Christmas display has lost a little of its seasonal pride and joy. A small piece of Michael Jackson has fallen off during a routine flight on Concorde this evening. Nobody else is reported to have been hurt or injured. Police Fight Right to Bare Buttocks. Planning application: to move Nelson's Column out of Trafalgar Square

11/12 - Bloody hell its cold..a website all about condiments looked cool and here u can view your google search results as a slide-show. Just sit back and watch the screen...pictures from weekends party, I myself am not a fan of AOL but I've got to ask if AOL sucks so bad why do so many people use them (rhetorical question. no answer needed, wanted, or expected.). Anyway, I found this banner at eBaumsworld and thought it was funny

10/12 - Come and see what all the fuss is about, if you haven't tried out Earth & Beyond yet, or know someone else who might like to try the demo, be sure to visit FilePlanet and get the download! It provides the full E&B game, playable for five days. And if you want to keep playing after your five days are up, you can register the retail version of the game and revive your demo characters!

9/12 - Chelsea extended their unbeaten run to "10" games with a fine win over Premiership rivals Everton at Goodison Park. The win completed a fine double over the Toffees as Chelsea continue to their drive towards the Premiership summit. In other news had company Xmas do this weekend which was excellent and as a bonus stayed at Chelsea Village for the night.

5/12 - Chelsea ran riot over Everton to secure, emphatically, their place in the last 8 of the Worthington Cup and an away tie at Moan United. In other news woman uses baby to start car

2/12 - Blimey December already, where has the year gone?? Spent the weekend up in London with the family and managed to cram in Madame Tussards, London Aquarium, London Eye, Rain Forest Cafe, Chelsea vs. Sunderland and a bit of shopping.

Oh bugger - just realised I have wiped out half my archived material, so bits I can remember will post as & when.. ...

easyhypocrite has been designed to promote awareness of the plight of businesses who use or may be planning to use the term 'easy' within their trading or domain names. This site is a specific resource for those organisations which are concerned about potentially conflicting brand interests with the easyGroup Ltd or whom may have already been contacted by legal representatives of the easyGroup with threats of litigation for ?Passing Off?.
Soon people visiting London will be subjected to the biggest tax increase since Richard the Lionheart needed some extra cash for his crusades. You already pay tax on everything you earn and tax on everything you buy. You pay tax on money left to you in wills and money you make on the side. You pay a tax when you buy a car, you pay a tax to keep it on the road, you pay tax on the fuel to make it move and you pay a sort of tax whenever you stop. Well, now there?s a new tax. When you drive into the centre of London you will be charged £5 a day. A £200million ring of spy cameras has been built around the capital. And anyone who doesn?t cough up will be executed.
10 point plan to improve our congestion...
1. Get rid of all bus lanes, immediately. It?s idiotic that people in cars get crammed into half the road while a few old ladies are able to whizz about at top speed.
2. Impose massive, crippling fines on all utility companies and local authorities who take too long over road works. In Los Angeles, they had the entire road network working again six months after the massive earthquake. Here, it takes that long to paint half a dozen white lines.
3. There are traffic lights in London which are red for two minutes and green for eight seconds. Rephase them tomorrow.
4. At any one time, one car in seven in Central London is looking for somewhere to park. This is madness So carefully analyse every yellow line to see if it?s really necessary.
5. Refuse to give planning permission for any office or residential block unless ample parking is provided in the scheme.
6. Fine local radio stations that give out incorrect traffic information. Time and time again, I?ve been sailing around Hammersmith roundabout while listening to some dizzy bird on the wireless telling me it?s all snarled up.
7. Some speed humps are necessary. But sprinkling them on every residential back road is moronic. Give local councils two days to rip them up.
8. It is idiotic to make someone with enormous Rastafarian hair walk around all day in a peaked cap. So don?t force traffic wardens to wear them. They look silly.
9. Go to the pub.
10. Have a drink.

26/10/02 Chelsea 2 WBA 0 - Chelsea's Premiership form continued to improve after a 2 - 0 win against West Bromwich Albion at Stamford Bridge. A crowd of over 40,000 watched a competent Blues performance although for the second week running, they were somewhat lucky to keep a clean sheet. Despite the off-field shenanigans involving the 'Village, Chelsea FC have risen to a creditable third place in the Premiership with 19 points. Chelsea now have seven days to prepare for next Sunday's 4pm kick-off at Three Point Lane, a game they must NOT lose...

19/10/02 Manchester City 0 Chelsea 3 - Two second half goals for Franco Zola and a second Premiership strike of the season for Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink completed a professional performance in sunny Manchester. We rise to fifth as a result.

8/10/02 Interesting Fact... A square piece of dry paper cannot be folded in half more than 7 times......... also found a cool Thesauras from Stuii's site

7/10/02 HELP NEEDED At 00:54 on Monday 23 September an earthquake measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale hit Dudley,UK causing untold disruption and distress: Many were woken well before their giro arrived Several priceless collections of mementos from the Balearics and Spanish Costas were damaged Three areas of historic and scientifically significant litter were disturbed Thousands are confused and bewildered, trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting has happened in Dudley One resident, Donna-Marie Fogarty, a 17-year-old mother-of-three said: "It was such a shock, little Chantal-Leanne came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Megan-Storm slept through it. I was still shaking when I was watching Trisha the next morning." The British Red Cross have so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of Sunny Delight to the area to help the stricken masses. Rescue workers are still searching through the rubble and have found large quantities of personal belongings including benefit books and jewellery from Elizabeth Duke at Argos.
£2 buys chips, scraps and blue pop for a family of four
£10 can take a family to Stourport for the day, where children can play on an unspoiled canal bank among the national collection of stinging nettles
22p buys a biro for filling in a spurious compensation claim PLEASE ACT NOW Simply email us by return with your credit card details and we'll do the rest!
If you prefer to donate cash, there are collection points available at your local branches of Argos, Iceland and Clinton Cards.

4/10/02 GUTTED...As a Chelsea fan I am used to ups and downs, but yesterday's game was ridiculous. Credit to Stavanger who played well, but nevertheless they should have been comfortably beaten. What really disappointed me was the lack of spirit in the side yesterday. Hasselbaink should be sold if he does not show any commitment for the club. He did not look out of form or unfit, he just couldn't be bothered. As for the rest of the team - stop whinging about a UEFA cup bonus and start performing according to your salary. Sunday 4pm is the time to pay us back, then qualify for the Champions League, reach the quarter finals and maybe we forgive for yet another off-day.

:::::::: BREAKING NEWZ ::::::
The results of last year UK census where released today and It's official: "Jedi Knight" is ON the list of religions for the 2001 UK census. More than 70,000 people in Australia have declared that they are followers of the Jedi faith, the religion... What next? Koalaizim?

29/9/02 Europe win the Ryder Cup - Ireland's Paul McGinley became the hero as Europe regained the Ryder Cup on a dramatic final day at The Belfry. He kept his cool to stroke home an 18-foot putt on the final green to halve his match with Jim Furyk and give Europe an unassailable 14.5 points to 11.5 points lead with two matches still to finish. His non-playing captain Sam Torrance was overcome with emotion. Asked if it compared to his Ryder Cup winning putt in 1985, all Torrance could say was: "Nothing compares to this."

28/9/02 Chelsea 2 WHU 3 - Once again, West Ham proved to be one of Chelsea's bogey sides after they came from a goal behind to end up 3 - 2 in this keenly fought London derby. Personally, I thought we would lose the game when the tannoy announcer told the waiting fans that, if Chelsea won the game, they'd move to second.

26/9/02 LONDON (Reuters) - Counting toilet roll sheets has proved a success for a vigilant worker who won his employer thousands of pounds in compensation after he discovered that some rolls were not as long as they should be.

25/9/02 LONDON (Reuters) - Science fiction's "Jedi" warriors and "Klingon" bad guys have entered the newest edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, along with "asylum seekers", "asymmetrical warfare" and "spin control".

23/9/02 Two bits of news amused me today (from BBC site)
1. Two Australian cricket fans have been denied in their attempt to buy a piece of Lord's. They each paid for a square foot of turf from the home of cricket in England, but the packages - marked 'sporting goods' - were intercepted at Sydney's international mail centre. The turf cannot be brought into Australia under the country's tight quarantine laws. Craig Hall of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service said postal workers had been "knocked for six" by their discovery. "We have given them (the unnamed fans) the option to send these items back overseas if they wish, at their own expense, or we will hold them for a period of time and destroy them," he said.
2. Swazi monarch King Mswati III plans to marry once again, bringing the total number of his official wives to 10.

23/9/02 Millions of people were shaken from their beds last night as Britain was rocked by the biggest earthquake to hit the country for 10 years. Hundreds of terrified people fled their apartments in Birmingham tower blocks and police received over 5,000 calls within an hour from people reporting shaking walls and windows. And I told the missus that I would make the earth move for her

20/9/02 United States President George W Bush was reportedly livid when he heard Saddam had conceded, and denounced Iraq's actions, warning that the US will resort to military response whether or not it gets its way. "Saddam Hussein has agreed to every last one of our demands for the sole reason that it makes our country seem hawkish and irrational," said Mr Bush. "This is just the kind of tricky behaviour we have come to expect from these folks. His cunning and deceitful statements that he will go along with our requests are nothing more than a clever scheme to avoid war with the United States." The latest list of demands issued by the United States runs to 74, beginning with warnings not to fund anti-American activities and moving on to demands that must be "immediately complied with" including "the removal of Saddam Hussein's moustache, the replacement of Tariq Aziz's glasses with something more stylish and the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in the Ike Abbasid Palace." Further down the list we find demands for the slogan "Uncle Sam wants you" to be painted across the Iraqi desert in letters "visible from space", a requirement that a flotilla of sea-goats be taught Scottish Country Dancing "to a professional standard" and that all Iraqi men answer to the name of "Bernie", "Chuck" or "Ed". The document concludes with the words "And don't forget that moustache, bucko."

19/9/02 Ian Hutchinson, our 1970 FA Cup winning centre-forward, has died this morning aged 54. He had been ill for some time. There will be a minute?s silence before tonight?s match and the players will wear black armbands.
Ian was bought by manager Dave Sexton in 1968 from Cambridge Utd for £5,000 and proved to be an outstanding partner for Peter Osgood in attack. He was the first striker Osgood played with who was the main target man and allowed Ossie, despite being so tall, to be the forward who linked play. Hutch had immense strength, good pace, unique bravery and - famously - the longest throw football had seen. He would run up to the touchline from anywhere in the forward quarter of the pitch and hurl an extraordinary missile into the penalty area which seemed to go up and up before plummeting from its peak. Chelsea scored so many goals from this set-play, most famously the 1970 FA Cup Final Replay winner.
But Hutch was much more than just a long-throw man. He smashed through tackles, he rose with awesome power to send wonderful headers into the goal - his 1970 European Cup Winners? Cup header against Aris Salonika must be one of the hardest ever - and he had an excellent eye for goal, capable of surprisingly delicate play around the penalty area even if it often looked clumsy. His 18 yard sweep into the roof of the net against Watford in the 1970 FA Cup semi-final followed by the one-two he played for Peter Houseman?s second goal were good examples.
In the Final against Leeds at Wembley he dived to head home Ron Harris? cross with four minutes remaining, two minutes after Leeds had taken a 2-1 lead. Without him there would have been no 1970 glory. And then in extra-time of the replay he launched that unforgettable throw for David Webb to head in the winner.
Such a bettering ram style was sure to have its costs, especially in the age of the tackle from behind, and so it proved. After the Cup Final he soon faced a spell of two years out with a broken arm, a knee operation and a broken leg - the latter suffered in a reserves comeback match. So upset was Sexton by his bad luck in the face of mammoth determination that after the broken leg he transfer listed Osgood whom he felt didn?t show the same attitude. But that breakdown of communication was sorted out and, when Hutch made his comeback in 1973, Ossie happily dropped into midfield, and against Norwich City Hutch scored twice in a 3-1 win. It was one of those emotional Stamford Bridge days that anyone there will never forget.
However, after that problems always seemed to arise and operation followed operation until in 1976 he announced his retirement. He had played 144 games, scored 58 goals, and won the FA Cup, Chelsea?s first FA Cup. Hutch loved life. He was a 1960s high-liver. Osgood uses the line regularly about him: ?He was my best friend. In fact he was best man at my three weddings and I was best man at his two.? In recent years his health had been failing, and in recent weeks it had deteriorated a lot. Osgood and John Dempsey had been frequent visitors to him in hospital. His partner Elaine had been an absolute rock for him through the increasingly difficult times. He died at 9.30am this morning.
He was a Chelsea ?great?.

18/9/02 Unacceptable Banner Ads (from Stuii's website) Very few banner ads are actually acceptable, but these latest scaremongering banners really push things too far in my view. This sort of thing is becoming more and more popular: For those of you who don't know how IP addresses work, here's a brief explanation: Every computer connected to the internet has a unique numeric address, rather like a telephone number. This is necessary for data to be sent to the right place, it simply wouldn't work properly if more than one machine had the same IP address as other computers on the Internet wouldn't know which one to send requested data to. In order for a connection to be made between your computer and, say, a web server, your IP address and the IP address of the web server need to be known. Without this, a connection cannot be made, and you simply can't download any data from the web server. The web server *needs* your IP address so that it knows where to send the data you requested from it. Therefore, this sort of banner advert is sheer nonsense. Computers must "broadcast" (although "transmit" would be a better word) their IP address in order to participate on the Internet properly, otherwise there would be no point in having an Internet connection in the first place, you simply wouldn't be able to use it. Even if you are behind a gateway or a firewall, you will still be transmitting an IP address, whether that's the IP address of the gateway or not. The fact is that this advert wouldn't care if you were, it would still try and scare you into buying whatever crappy "security" product it's trying to flog. Still don't understand? Okay, let's use an analogy. When you send someone an e-mail, in order for them to be able to reply to you, they need your e-mail address. Your e-mail software automatically includes your e-mail address when you send e-mail, otherwise you would simply never receive any e-mail from anyone. It's exactly the same principle, in order to communicate on the Internet you have to provide a means for the destination person or computer to get back to you, whether that's an IP address or an e-mail address. Consider then, the obvious stupidity of this banner, which I made up myself: Sounds silly now doesn't it. Well, it's more or less the same thing as the first banner. The fact is that these banners that masquerade as Windows dialogue boxes have been fooling the not-so tech-savvy for years, and convince them to install all sorts of useless rubbish that does more harm than good, because to the uneducated eye they do simply look like alarming dialogue boxes. I'd like to be able to say something like "they should be banned" or something at this point, but I know that's simply not possible.

15/9/02 La La La La Chelsea 3 Newcastle 0 - Chelsea slaughtered visiting Newcastle 3 - 0 at Stamford Bridge and with Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink on the bench, it was Gianfranco Zola and Eidur Gudjohnsen who stole the show and scored for Chelsea, the Icelander scoring either side of the Italian. League wise, Chelsea move up to third in the Premiership with 12 points. Man of the match? Gianfranco Zola - who else!

11/9/02 Blackburn 2 Chelsea 3 - A piece of opportunism and a stroke of genius from Gianfranco Zola settled a frantic Ewood Park encounter in which Chelsea twice came from behind to defeat Blackburn. MAN OF THE MATCH: Gianfranco Zola - this may be his Premiership swansong, but Zola is showing the kind of form which made him a pioneer for foreign footballers in England.

3/9/02 I feel like I'm living in a surreal world, twisted enough to be created by Salvador Dali or Terry Pratchett. Where but in the wildest fantasy would Sp*rs be top of the table? Well, in the English Premiership apparently. No fan will ever tolerate us finishing behind the lilywhite lot in N17. After all our world was not created by Dali and Pratchett!

30/8/02 If there is one game I've looked forward to since the fixtures were released back in June, then Arsenal is it! It gives us the chance to exorcise the memories of Cardiff and those awful few hours when it finally dawned that Chelsea were not going to win the 2002 FA Cup Final. It also may give me chance to get one over on the other-half's side of the family who are all Gooner followers. Okay, so Sunday's game will not carry quite the relevance of that Saturday in May, but it has the potential to be just as memorable, but for other reasons. Unfortunately it hasn't been the only occasion that Arsenal have reduced me to such a shambolic state. Every time Chelsea play them something seems to happen, especially at Stamford Bridge, that ruins not only the day but the whole bl**dy weekend. Sadly what I can't remember is a win against those who wish to move from Highbury to the luxurious surroundings of Kings Cross. Will Sunday be any different, I bl**dy hope so! It would be an ideal time for Petit and Lampard to replicate the performance they gave in Cardiff where they reduced the Arsenal midfield to an ordinary level. Since that awful day, Arsenal have lost another member of that infamous back five that has served them so well. Tony Adams has retired and with him perhaps has gone some of that legendary invincibility associated with Arsenal. After all who'd have thought that West Brom would score twice on the hallowed library turf? Could it be the time for Chelsea's forwards to strike? One would certainly hope so. Unfortunately they are not in a rich vein of scoring at present. Hasselbaink seems to be pining over his lost 18-30 holiday in Barcelona whilst Gudjohnsen has still to start a full game due to pre-season injuries. Therefore the stage is set for the old master himself, Zola, to turn the Gunners defence inside out, a chip over the head of Seaman would go down remarkably well, in what is sure to be a vociferous atmosphere, Franco. With Petit being the only injury concern, Ranieri has the same squad at his disposal as that which started, but performed poorly, at Southampton. However, due to his previous links with Arsenal, we fully expect Petit to rise to the occasion and pass a fitness test and play. Therefore we predict the team that starts will be: Cudicini, Melchiott, Desailly, Gallas, Babayaro (unfortunately), De Lucas, Lampard, Petit, Zenden, Hasselabink and Zola. How about it lads, lets banish the misery we suffered in Cardiff and make 37000+ supporters leave with a smile on their faces. Of those that are still missing, Le Saux might well make the substitutes bench whilst we understand that John Terry is not far from full fitness after his recent trials and tribulations a the hands of the British justice system.

29/8/02 Southampton 1 Chelsea 1 - Travelled to St. Marys for this game with some mates and what a load of tosh it was... Chelsea came from behind to earn a draw against Southampton, thanks to a goal from Frank Lampard 11 minutes from time. Although a point will suffice, us travelling supporters were disgruntled by the shortcomings of the side in front of goal and their inability to string 2-3 passes together.

28/8/02 Following on from the dramatic encounter with Manchester United on Friday evening, Chelsea travel to Southampton defending an unbeaten Premiership record. Last season the new St Mary's stadium proved a happy hunting ground as Chelsea emerged worthy 2-0 victors. The encounter is sure to be a frenetic affair as Southampton look to improve on a dismal start to the season. Gordon Strachan's team has yet to register a win this season and have still to score their first goal. Considering Chelsea's record against the majority of the perennial strugglers in the Premiership, I doubt that you'd find many supporters willing to risk too much money on Chelsea not conceding a goal but hopefully still running out winners. Southampton will be without the mercurial talents of Matthew Le Tissier who has now retired. However, those that witnessed the demolition job Southampton performed at Stamford Bridge last season will be only too aware of the imminent danger that awaits a Chelsea side not entirely up for it. There are no reports of any injuries from within the Chelsea camp, therefore it is expected that Chelsea will field the majority of the team that started against Manchester United. Babayaro, Melchiot, Desailly and Gallas will assist Carlo Cudicini in defence. In midfield, Lampard, Petit, Zenden and De Lucas should form a formidable quartet, whilst up front Zola should claim one of the striking berths. If Jimmy has departed on a Club 18-30 experience, then expect Eidur (nearly signed by Spurs) Gudjohnsen to partner Gianfranco up front. On the bench, expect De Goey, Cole, Ferrer, Gronkjaer and possibly Keenan or Huth to be available to come to the aid of Ranieri if things don't work out as previously planned. Whilst the game is expected to be competitive, don't be to surprised if Chelsea run out narrow winners. Hopefully, we'll also have a couple of contentious issues during the course of the ninety minutes. That way, those that are unable to secure a ticket for the action might well be treated to some of the famous Strachan histrionic routines on the goggle box afterwards.

27/8/02 "Eidur Gudjohnsen targeted by Tottenham" screams the headline in a well-known tabloid. Normally I would be a little anxious, probably even a little nervous about one of our best players joining one of our most revered rivals, but this time it's different. Whoever wrote the offending article was obviously in a rush, I mean it's patently obvious isn't it? Why? You may scream. Well he's left a very important word out hasn't he! The headline should read: "Eidur Gudjohnsen NEARLY targeted by Tottenham" A reliable source, deep within the bowels of Three Point Lane called to explain that there is much more to the story than was at first reported. It transpires that Tottenham nearly got around to talking to Eidur. They nearly phoned his agent and nearly made an appointment to discuss any proposed move to Three Point Lane. It's also rumoured that Hoddle nearly got his cheque book out and nearly decided on the salary he would pay the Icelandic striker. Eager to nearly secure his signature, they nearly drew-up a contract and nearly allocated him a squad number. Kit sponsors were nearly found and a peg in the dressing room was nearly allocated. A parking space at the training ground was also nearly chosen and training kit nearly purchased at further expense. A press conference was nearly called and several leading journalists nearly contacted. Photographers were nearly enlisted and newspaper space nearly reserved. When questioned about nearly signing Eidur Gudjohnsen, Hoddle is reported to have enthusiastically remarked: "We nearly got our man" Yeah right Glenn! Just like Spurs have nearly beaten Chelsea, in the Premiership, during the last twelve years!

19/8/02 Charlton 2 Chelsea 3 - Chelsea's season got off to flying start beating Charlton 3 - 2 at The Valley. The Blues came back from a two-goal deficit against an Addick side that was reduced to 10 men, following Konchesky's dismissal in the 28th minute for elbowing debutant Enrique de Lucas. The incident came after Konchesky had given his side an eight minute lead after Chelsea failed to clear. The Charlton player and Enrique de Lucas went for a 50/50 ball and Konchesky appeared to lead with his elbow. The Chelsea player immediately earned the respect of his supporters by not making a meal of the incident and getting to his feet as quickly as he could. In other news just got back from Nerja after 2 weeks holiday full of sun, sea, sangria and .....more sun. Resort was just outside main town and was clean and functional as most of these places are. Nice pool and the food was a definite thumbs-up in the local restaurants. Pictures to be posted this week

30/7/02 Desperately seeking a degree of re-assurance, those blessed with believing in the "Blue Dream" are forced to continually scan the media for positive propaganda. Instead, all they encounter are more rumours, untruths and potential gossip that only add more fuel to the flickering flames of unrest. Indeed, headlines that could be spawned from the very mouth of the devil himself: "AC Milan preparing £4m offer for Cudicini as Chelsea seek to ease debt crisis" / "Chelsea prepared to lower asking price for Hasselbaink to £12m to ease crisis" / "Sunderland / Blackburn chase Gudjohnsen" / "Dalla Bona fears Chelsea meltdown" / "Gallas - Move touted" stare boldly at you, plainly trying to brainwash us into believing that the journalistic ranting's are based on truth. With cold panic in our wild, staring eyes we turn desperately towards our spiritual home only to be met with an uncomfortable veil of silence. The lights are on within the palatial palace but the communications have recently definitely been placed on hold. Suppression of doubt whilst in a vulnerable state becomes a traumatic experience. Visions of asset stripping impair logical thought whilst the roaring silence only fans the wind of discontent currently howling through the ranks of the disenchanted. Bonded together by one unique passion, we, as the flock, have to question just what is going on. Is it all much ado about nothing? Is it normal for the equivalent of state run television to continue to broadcast archived material? Or more sinisterly, will the roar of the walls coming down eventually break the silence as the devils sneer, with a knowing grin, mocking the downfall of the kingdom of the chairman they all so love to despise. Here endeth lesson one.

22/7/02 Another day, and still more speculation concerning a proposed move away from Stamford Bridge for current Chelsea hero Eidur Gudjohnsen. While the majority of Chelsea supporters seemingly want him to stay, the club still refuses to put out the "Hands-off!" sign. This website has, in the past, appealed to the better nature of those who sanction transfers and begged the club not to release stars who, perhaps selfishly, were, at the time, some of our own favourites. These have included Tore Andre Flo, G*s P*yet, Dennis Wise and Sam Dalla Bona. Although many will point to a myriad of reasons why the club should have sold these players, they were, apart of course from the unfortunate Dalla Bona, members of the most successful side that Chelsea supporters have ever seen. Opinions on the worthiness of a particular player will be plenty and wide ranging, but as far as the four named above were concerned, we would have been happier had they stayed. That said, we've moved on since then but, as we issue another plea for Chelsea not to sell Eidur Gudjohnsen, some of us are thinking that we've been 'here' before. Alan Nixon, reporting for "The Independent" writes that Chelsea might find it hard to refuse an offer for the player, should anyone be interested in parting with a figure in the region of £15m. Correctly stating that at £20m, bids for Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink are likely to be few and far between, it must also be hoped that other parties showing an interest in Gudjohnsen are similarly 'scared away'. In other news, Marcel Desailly has been quoted in Chelsea's official magazine as saying, "We are more concentrated on trying to win the championship. I remember when I signed four years ago, I said that I definitely wanted to win the Premier League. Now four seasons have gone and there is still no title." He added, "For me, it's the first one. Even if Chelsea were playing in the Champions League, I would fight more to win the Premier League." Well, there's a line that Chelsea supporters will be happy with - as long as it's a League gamelet's hope his concentration extends to EVERY game he's picked to play in. Meanwhile, a player who will not be leaving us has been making the kind of noises that will only enhance his already majestic and glorious reputation still further. Gianfranco Zola has promised Chelsea supporters he will attempt to give even more than the 100% commitment he already provides. Speaking on his prospects about gaining a regular 1st team place, Zola said, "I have to give the best of myself, to put the manager in a position in which he has to play me because I deserve to play. I know I am probably not going to be starting the season as a regular so it makes me focus even harder." He added, "I have to produce something special to get back into the team. I'm looking forward to trying to do that." Not for sale!

19/7/02 Not a lot to report this week...managed to book a holiday for the family and setting off to Nerja in Southern Spain for two weeks from 4th August (16 days to take-off). Made a very pleasant purchase this week of an Archos MP3 player with 10GB HDD to store music collection which is a God send. Study & Conservatory are completed and moved into now so a lot more room in the house ... funniest thing read this week has to be ... Markets tumble again after WorldCom announces it never really existed Further revelations from WorldCom Inc. sent global markets into a steeper dive after it announced it never really existed. The U.S. long-distance carrier first shocked investors last week by disclosing it had overstated its profits by $3.8 billion, effectively wiping out all profits from the beginning of 2001. "I wanted to come clean back in 1999, but when the stock soared up to $64, I got a little carried away," said WorldCom's ex-chief financial officer Scott Sullivan. The company's shares are now trading at 9 cents. Analysts say the WorldCom debacle is the biggest accounting scandal of all time, but admit that Sullivan did a pretty good job "for a guy just doodling hypothetical company logos on pub napkin."

12/7/02 Am I just being an old cynic or did I witness the birth of yet another tired old cliché on Chelsea TV the other night? The show in question carried a brief interview with Chelsea chairman, Ken Bates. It was during the, far from intensive, questioning that the immortal words slipped out. Ken, upon being questioned about the persistent transfer rumours linking Chelsea to a variety of Continental players, suggested that Ranieri didn't feel it necessary to enter the transfer market as he was perfectly happy with the squad he currently has.
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Here was I thinking that the club I supported had ambitions of actually winning the Premiership. Instead I hear that it will probably once again be a case of so near, yet so far, from clasping that particular cherished Holy Grail. But then I began thinking, I know it doesn't happen very often but those words just lingered and began to really bug me - happy with the squad he currently has! Was Ken trying to tell me that all the stories relating to the chase for Geremi and Flavio were just that, stories? Or was the expression just boardroom talk to mask the fact that, perhaps the rumourmongers are right, and Chelsea do have little or no money?
Is Ranieri really happy with a squad that still includes Winston Bogarde but has been purged of one of its brightest starlets, Sam Dalla Bona, for a paltry million pounds? A squad that on paper looks to be worryingly light in midfield cover. A squad that could be further depleted if the impending court case, involving Terry and Morris, does not turn out favourably! Does Ranieri not think that there are players out there that could make a slight difference, players that could prevent Chelsea failing at the hands of the supposed minnows of the Premiership? Indeed the fee received for Sam is particularly galling when you consider the amount of time, effort and expenditure that Chelsea must have put into nurturing Sam since his arrival as a shy seventeen-year-old. But in times of uncertainty for football, perhaps it is time for the supporters to be heard more. Perhaps it is time for those who follow THEIR clubs to be more outspoken and speak vehemently for what they believe to be true and just. What has gone on at Wimbledon is a clear indication that you under estimate the power of the average supporter at your peril.
Power to those that stood up for what they believe in and may AFC Wimbledon live long and prosper! I guess by the time the AGM comes around, we will all have a good indication of where our season is heading. Only results will tell us if Ranieri was actually content with his current squad or indeed whether we witnessed the birth of another boardroom cliché that could well emulate the notoriety achieved by the dreaded vote of confidence!

7/6/02 Talk Like Yoda Talking like Jedi Master Yoda is a fun and easy way to make a joke amongst your fellow Star Wars fans. His unique style of reversing the words in a sentence are easily recognized by fans around the world.
Here's How:
1. Take the first two or three words of a sentence, and just add them to the end. For example: 'You will find what you are looking for' turns into 'Find what you are looking for, you will.'
2. Rearranging the negative in a sentences works very well. For example: 'I will not help you' turns into 'I will help you not.' Avoiding contractions will help in this -- 'I can't go there' turns into 'Go there, I can not.'
3. Adding a 'hmmmm...' at the end of an altered question. For example, 'Do you know what I am talking about?' turns into 'Know what I am talking about, do you? Hmmm...?'
4. Adding a 'yes' to an altered statement. For example: 'You are here for my help' turns into 'Here for my help, you are... yes...'

24/5/02 40 today.....oh bugger

21/5/02 I was thirty nine 362 days ago. I didn't need to wheel into play any of the fancy number theory I studied all those years ago to realise that this means that in 3 days time I shall be forty.
They say life begins at forty; but they never say it convincingly or with a straight face. Like 'She meant nothing' or 'Size isn't important' or 'Go back to your constituencies and prepare for government' it doesn't have the ring of truth somehow. I have been nervously waiting for the onset of those afflictions that beset people when they reach forty. I have a morbid fear that any day now I am going to wake up thinking that Phil Collins has really made some quite good records. That some of the stuff on Sting's latest album isn't actually that bad. That it's not true that Dire Straits never made a decent record after Communique. Hell, I might even want to go to see 'Cats'.
Is this what we have to look forward to? My fears have been aroused because one of the sure signs of impending middle-age and failing mental faculties is already tightening its grip. I have started watching awful soaps. Not the gloomy Eastenders I hasten to add. And only while I have a cup of tea when the children are in bed. And I do know they are awful. And I didn't set the video to record them when I went on holiday, so I don't think it's terminal yet. But you have to watch out for these things don't you? They creep up on you otherwise.
A brisk walk at seven thirty every evening might do the trick. It's a sad fact of life, and not really a consequence of age, that most of us have to drive boring cars for one reason or another. Usually it's children or economics or both that turn our heads away reluctantly from that old 'E' type, or that shiny TVR. But as my fortieth birthday approaches, am I suddenly going to start thinking that a Honda Accord is really quite a sharp motor? That a Audi A4 is anything more than a reasonably reliable and inexpensive way of getting from A to B? One of the daunting things that a forty year old woman once said to me was that the really worrying thing about being forty is that the next milestone is being fifty. Bit of the 'my glass is half empty' syndrome I suppose, but still a sobering thought. It certainly set me thinking.
I found myself imagining what it would be like being fifty. It's reassuring as you get older that women of a certain age still look attractive. I mean, we might all draw the line at Joan Collins, but there are some women around fifty who look o.k. aren't there? Joanna Lumley. Felicity Kendall.
Er.... But what about your own personal appearance? It's bad enough thinking that in years to come I might be tempted to tarry at the portals of Dunn and Co., without dwelling on how age might affect me in other more obvious ways. It's not so bad for men they say. Well, women say anyway. We don't have to worry about the wrinkles and grey hair, which are supposed to make us look mature and distinguished. Immature and dangerous sounds a whole lot more fun, but I suppose you have to take what you can get. Grey hair is o.k. I suppose, but for men it's no hair at all that's a more worrying prospect. I had always thought that if I got to forty and still had a reasonable amount of hair, then that would be fair enough and I couldn't really grumble if it all fell out the next day. My father still has a full head of hair. Oddly enough, as the day approaches, I think I may have been a bit hasty. Maybe fifty would be o.k. to lose my hair. I still have enough at the moment, with a bit of strategic brushing obviously. But when the day comes, I think I'll go for the Jean-Luc Picard cut rather than the Reg Prentice or the Arthur Scargill. Try and preserve a little dignity don't you think?
And what about your brain? It seems that people start to worry when they are over forty that their forgetfulness may not just be laziness or inattention, but may be a medical condition. Personally, I put it down to having too many things to worry about. Easy for these youngsters who only have to remember whose parents are away this weekend so they know where the next party will be. But when it's your children's parties you have to remember, and who got what from whom so that you can write the thankyou letters, it's a whole new ball-game let me tell you. Apparently it's important to exercise your mind as well as your body as you get older. Does this mean we have to buy those tedious books of IQ tests and try and match the shapes? Purchase those wretched puzzle magazines? Start watching Mastermind - whoops too late thank goodness. Do an Open University Degree in some worthy subject? Eek. And what will I do for entertainment next year? 'Top of the Pops' doesn't seem appropriate somehow. Am I doomed to watch repeats of 'Terry and June' on UK Gold? Will my wife turn into Hyacinth Bucket? Will 'Ever Decreasing Circles' suddenly seem quite funny? Will Sundays suddenly become quite exciting, as I look forward to 'Songs of Praise', 'The Antiques Roadshow' and 'Last of the summer wine'?
Oh well, I suppose it's been the same for every generation as they hit forty. It's small consolation that as part of the baby boom generation, advertisers have always been after my custom. Whatever age I have been has always seemed to be all right with them. In the eighties it was all twenty-somethings climbing the greasy pole with their double-breasted suits. Now it's thirty-somethings finding that it may be possible to have a flash car and children too. Presumably as I travel through my forties they will be equally reassuring. My mother-in-law says that every age has its advantages. It seems that the main advantage of middle age is that every day you are offered enough credit to settle the national debt for an emerging nation.
At fifty I will get cheaper car insurance. When I retire I can annoy all the people still having to work for a living by saying 'I don't know how I found time to go to work' as I settle down to my matchstick model of 'The Golden Hind'. After that it gets a bit tricky, but I suppose you can always fall back on being grumpy and saying to your children that you don't want to be a burden. In the meantime, I think I will give 'Cats' a miss. What's that Prodigy album like then?
And to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, there's only one thing worse than getting old...

18/5/02 It's Saturday, the day I normally look forward to, this week it is however a bit of an anti-climax. Normally I would be buzzing but today I'm bored stiff. It's the first Saturday after the football season has finished and I haven't got a clue what to do! I've tried watching television but can't find anything amongst the multitude of digital channels that eases this relentless boredom. I've tried the music channels but I can't settle. I've flicked through the sports channels but any glimpse of the sacred round ball makes my heart yearn for pastures I'm so fond of. I've tried watching cricket, horse racing, motor sport and golf but they all leave me stone cold. They just don't stir the emotions. They just don't mean anything. The results don't set you up for the rest of the week, they're nothing sports. I've had a bath, don't laugh, just to pass the time but still it's only mid afternoon. I just didn't realise how long a Saturday lasts without my ultimate pleasure. I feel like a junkie desperately searching for a fix. I look out of the window, watching how those who don't watch the great game pass the time, polishing cars, washing windows - people please get a life! I look at the calendar the World Cup is only two weeks away. Sadly, it just won't be the same. The matches are scheduled to kick off and be finished by lunchtime, just what am I going to do the rest of the day. I'm tempted to wander down the pub and sink a few amber nectars but Phillipa says that isn't the answer. I know she's right, come August I'd be a fully-fledged alcoholic! Phillipa suggested shopping, I replied "never! It isn't that bad yet". Besides my bank balance is still wincing from the constant withdrawal syndrome it suffered from during the last season? Phillipa on a spending spree would just about see it off for good. I look through the vast collection of video's I've acquired over the years. Surely there must be something to while away a few hours, but there isn't. I've seen them all before. Some of them I can recite the script better than the actors. The rain is now running down the windows and I peer remorsefully into the garden. The lawn could do with mowing but thankfully the rain is preventing that arduous task from being accomplished. Jemma asks if I'd like to challenge her on the PC footy game. I politely decline, there's nothing worse than being humiliated by a thirteen year old. I can't even draw comfort from the fact that she's Chelsea when she humiliates me 10 goals to nil. Just how can I relieve this boredom? Just what can I do to make the summer months pass quicker? Hibernation could well be the answer.
August seems a fair distance away!

15/5/02 With Chelsea's year finished, we assess what we liked from the last season, what raised a cheer - and what gives us hope for the next one!
1) Supporters getting behind Claudio Ranieri. That was particularly the case when he was shortlisted for a managerial post at Barcelona. He must have been surprised at the depth of feeling from supporters, who suddenly woke up to the fact that this was a manager who had radically transformed Chelsea into a team capable, on their day, of beating England's very best. His interview performances improved, as did his pitch-side performances, during which he showed that he cared deeply for the team he was coaching. Signing a five year extension to his contract is an indication of the faith that Chelsea management have in the man to take his team higher, and the culmination must have been the fans' reaction at Chelsea's parade after losing the F.A. Cup Final.

2) Ranieri's transformations taking root. We finished 3 points higher than last season. That may not seem much, but it is a steady progress, as Chelsea showed much more consistency. 4 away wins last season, 6 this season; fourth best in terms of goals scored and fourth best also in terms of goals conceded. This was the measure of a team that was younger and keener, and became more stable, as Ranieri found a squad formation that he liked - and which began to deliver results. And Ranieri started to bring some of Chelsea's youth performers (such as Joel Kitamirike, Joe Keenan, Leon Knight, Carlton Cole and Robert Huth) into the first team squad.
3) The best strike partnership in the Premiership in the form of Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Eidur Gudjohnsen. Acres of newspaper were devoted to the duo (their understanding on the pitch was inevitably described as 'telepathic') who managed to score an awesome 52 goals this season. As if that wasn't enough, Mikael Forssell became the Premiership's new Supersub, and Gianfranco Zola continued to dazzle on the pitch. Even better, waiting in the wings is a cornucopia of new talent: from Carlton Cole who, had the season been any longer would have surely reached triple figures in the reserves and youth teams - and who managed, at 18 years old, to break into the first team by the end of the season; Leon Knight, scoring goals for fun whilst on loan with Huddersfield, Rati Alexidze, Sam Parkin, Sebastian Kneissl. It was a pity that Hasselbaink suffered injury at the end of the season and put in some below-par performances. What a difference a fully fit Hasselbaink would have made, starting with a second consecutive Golden Boot award?
4) Inflicting on Manchester United and Liverpool respectively their worst home and away defeats in the Premiership. That was sweet in itself, and contributed to some red-faced opposition managers. Across Europe, the sports' press took notice. Of course, Chelsea did the expected and lost the return legs (a last minute goal at Anfield, and a very painful 3-0 home defeat against ManU).
5) Putting 8 past Spurs in a sweet, sweet, 4 day period in March. It was a 4-0 F.A. Cup hammering at White Hart Lane on a Sunday which was followed, the next Wednesday, by a 4-0 Premiership victory at Stamford Bridge. Any memory of a certain late January Worthington Cup away leg trauma was well and truly erased. I could also note that in the following Saturday's Premiership match against Sunderland, Chelsea also won 4-0. But that's hardly as significant.
6) A new spirit in the Chelsea squad. It seems as if the disruptive elements had been rooted out during the squad's transformation, and Chelsea were forged by media sniping that was at times very heavy. They were a younger team and said only positive things to the media - and sounded as if they believed it. Players spoke, in particular about their admiration for Ranieri and the opportunity that he had given to them, and were quick to rebut media reports that suggested rifts or arguments or impending departures. And Chelsea played the full 90 minutes of their games - they were the Premiership's prime beneficiaries of 90th minute goals. This was a team that, on its day, held out until the end, often with good results.
7) Gianfranco Zola's goal against Norwich in the F.A. Cup 1st round replay. Chelsea were already 2-0 up in the replay at Stamford Bridge when Graeme Le Saux took his corner. Zola ran forward and jumped, and caught the ball on his trailing back foot. The ball went in without the goalkeeper having a chance. In the stands the admiration was overwhelming, the Norwich players saluted the sheer genius, and the media talked of footballing poetry. Easily the goal of the year. And Gianfranco made it more moving by dedicating it to Matthew Aston and his family, a young boy and Chelsea fan who had died of a brain tumour a few days earlier. Zola had met the boy before his death and had promised to do something special for him. Sadly, he was not able to do so before Matthew passed away, but in dedicating to him such a magical moment, Gianfranco Zola managed something that was humbling and emotional. And magical.
8) Carlo Cudicini hijacking the goalkeeper's jersey, despite huge competition. He kept 16 clean sheets, and stopped 3 of the 4 penalties shot against him. A serious contender for Chelsea's player of the season, and the Premiership's best-kept secret between the sticks. At the end of the season, his consistent performances were rewarded with talks on a new - and well-deserved - contract, despite considerable interest in his homeland, where Cudicini was elected the best Italian player outside Italy.
9) Chelsea's defence. John Terry was at the heart of the defence (scoring a few crucial goals as well); Marcel Desailly maintained his reputation as 'The Rock', and newcomer William Gallas, when not sidelined by injury, was also awesome. Babayaro and Melchiot were also commended in dispatches. Now, if only we could sign a player to occupy the troublesome right-back post?
10) Reaching the F.A. Cup final. Yes, we lost. But it was still an achievement to get to Cardiff on the back of a solid Cup run. Chelsea did themselves proud on the day, and held out to the last 20 minutes, when Arsenal scored 2. In our defence, it should be said that we matched Arsenal frequently, and many of our players were not fully fit. Oh, and we had the unlucky dressing room.
11) Germany 1 - England 5. It had nothing to do with Chelsea. In fact, there weren't even any Chelsea players on the pitch. But it was one of the highlights of the football year and all England supporters fell on their knees with disbelief.

13/05/02 Chelsea's season ended like a damp squib after they were beaten 3 - 1 at Stamford Bridge by visiting Aston Villa. Goals from Crouch (21), Vassell (63) and Dublin (88) put paid to Chelsea finishing in 5th place. Eidur Gudjohnsen was on target for the Blues with a 70th minute penalty. Had it not been for the brilliance of Carlo Cudicini, the score might have been even greater in Villa's favour. The Italian made at least four brilliant saves to keep the score down to 3 - 1. After Villa scored, Chelsea began to work hard to get an equaliser with Carlton Cole missing two good chances with headers. Claudio Ranieri made all three substitutions at half time including giving Robert Huth his debut and, for a period, Chelsea looked like they might get something out off the game. Even when the score went to 2 - 0, Chelsea supporters were hopeful of at least getting a point and when Gudjohnsen blasted home the spot kick, the Blues looked like they might be able to draw level. However, Dublin's killer 3rd goal knocked the heart out of Chelsea and for the remaining minutes, the players looked like they were just going through the motions. However, although he's just signed a 5-year deal, Claudio's future will not be at Stamford Bridge if, next season, he does not improve on Chelsea's final finishing place OF 6th in the Premiership.

11/03/02 Normal service was resumed as Chelsea made short work of their revenge mission against Sp*rs. After the 5 - 1 League Cup defeat, Chelsea had a point to prove and did they just! Finishing the game with 10 men, the Pride Of London came away from Six Goal Lane with an easy 4 - 0 victory.
After a frenetic start in which R*chards and Ferdinand might well have seen red and the referee had a near brawl on his hands, the game settled down when Chelsea took a twelfth minute lead through William Gallas. Following a corner, the ball was mis-palmed by S*llivan straight through to Mario Melchiot. The quick thinking Dutchman toe poked the ball toward the goal and Chelsea's young French defender had the simplest of tasks to stab home from a yard out.
Following the goal, Chelsea went forward in numbers, playing the type of game that the supporters love. Fearlessly, they pressed the opposition, ever hungry to score more. Chelsea supporters were treated to a laugh when Sh*ringham blasted over the bar. Minutes later, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink showed all how to play a 'one-two' as he latched onto a return ball from Eidur Gudjohnsen and did well to lob the on-coming keeper but was unlucky when the effort hit the bar. Blues supporters knew it would be their day when F*rdinand was given a free header but could only connect with the woodwork.
As the referee blew for half time, Chelsea were well satisfied with the 1 - 0 lead. The second period began with Chelsea playing deep and catching the no-hopers on the break. This tactic worked to perfection when, in the 48th minute, a long ball out of defence by Graeme Le Saux found Gudjohnsen running through with the Sp*rs defenders still calling for a linesman's flag. Inside the Sp*rs half, the Iceman took one touch with his head to control the ball and direst it into his stride. His next saw him take it to the edge of the box and his third, a sublime strike through the legs of the keeper, meant that Chelsea now led 2 - 0.
Graeme Le Saux then picked a booking for a rash challenge in the 52nd minute but, in the 54th, scored another rare - but crucial goal. With Sp*rs under pressure in their own half, Le Saux latched onto a ball bound for Sh*rwood on the edge of the L*llywhites box. Taking a moment to pick his spot, he made no mistake as he shot and beat Sh*rwood from 25 yards out to send Chelsea into a 3 - 0 lead.
With tackles beginning to get wild, Marcel Desailly was booked in the 56th minute but, 10 minutes later, it was definitely all over. Eidur Gudjohnsen scored his second and Chelsea's 4th when he repeated his earlier one-on-one with the Sp*rs keeper and coolly finished yet again. In an obvious tactic to stop Chelsea playing as well as to crank up the tension, Gl*nnda sent on T*ricco and, within minutes of his arrival, Graeme Le Saux received his second yellow and a subsequent red card after taking a wild swing at the Argentinean.
Soon after, Sam Dalla Bona replaced Jesper Gronkjaer and Slavisa Jokanovic came on in place of Eidur Gudjohnsen. Many were hoping that Mikael Forssell would be given a chance but, with Chelsea down to ten men, Claudio Ranieri seemed intent on securing a clean sheet. Mikael Forssell was eventually given a minute plus injury time, taking the place of JFH.
However, now playing as a lone striker, the young Finn's chance of maintaining his record of scoring in every round was never likely to be extended. Talking to BBC Radio Five Live after the game, Gl*nnda said, "...we could have averted them four goals - there's no doubt about that..." That said, Chelsea smashed their opponents into oblivion and all Chelsea supporters are looking forward to a repeat performance on Wednesday night.
If I may, can I suggest that "Stand up, if you're in the Cup!" might be an appropriate song to kick-off the evening's proceedings.

7/3/02 Mikael Forssell scored the winner for Chelsea as they beat Fulham 3 - 2. His goal came 8 minutes from time after the visitors had twice levelled the score. In an action packed London derby, the visitors had twice scored to level the score. From the off, it was clear that the game would be a fiercely contested. A Fulham header hit the bar in the 5th minute before Mario Melchiot surprised everybody in the 18th minute with a shot from 20 yards out that hit the back of the net. Within a minute, the visitors were level after a terrible decision by the referee saw Fulham awarded a penalty. Carlo Cudicini was sent the wrong way as Saha stroked the ball home. Eidur Gudjohnsen restored Chelsea's advantage just on the half hour mark and, minutes later, Chelsea might have gone two up, but for the brilliance of Van Der Sar in the Fulham goal who pulled off a stunning save to deny Gianfranco Zola. After the break, Chelsea continued to press and both Gudjohnsen and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink came close. Sam Dalla Bona replaced Emanuel Petit after an hour, with Jesper Gronkjaer coming on five minutes later in place of Zola. Saha scored his and Fulham's second in the 73rd minute to send their supporters into raptures and, with just over a quarter of an hour remaining, the game was anyone's. Gudjohnsen, who had minutes earlier been injured after a going for a header, was replaced by Forssell. With both teams going all out for the winner, Gronkjaer combined with Forssell and the young Finn show a class touch to control the ball 8 yards out before picking his spot and providing Chelsea's winner.

27/02/02 Spike Milligan Is Dead, one of Britain's most famous comics, has died. Milligan, 83, died of liver failure at his home in Rye, East Sussex. He was best remembered for his role in The Goons and is the last member of the show to die. Sir Harry Secombe, Peter Sellers and Michael Bentine, have all died. 'Grovelling bastard' Milligan was awarded a British Comedy award for Lifetime Achievement in 1994. It was at that ceremony where he famously described Prince Charles as a "grovelling little bastard". But it was not mutual - the Prince named Milligan as his favourite comedian and last year the comic received an honorary knighthood. Milligan, who was married three times, leaves behind three children.

25/1/02 The FA Cup remains the only real hope of silverware this season, so it remains imperative that Ranieri maintains an interest in the competition. Elimination at this early stage will probably have repercussions throughout the club.
Initially, we may well run the risk of changes in the managerial department, an empty trophy cabinet will not attractive the investment needed to drive the club forward. Despite standing by the selection of Ranieri, Bates must realise that success is desperately required to maintain the momentum developed since 1997. To stagnate now would be the waste of the ultimate opportunity to really become one of THE big clubs, rather than kid ourselves that we already are.
Big clubs do not capitulate the way we did last Wednesday night, especially when they are on the verge of an appearance in a final. Defeat could also result in attendance's dropping dramatically. Would punters be prepared to pay extravagant prices knowing that success would only be measured against the result achieved on the day? I doubt it very much. The corporate areas in the West Stand would become more ghostly than they are at present.
So what can Ranieri do to ensure that Chelsea do not end the week on the mother of all lows? Firstly, Claudio has to examine exactly what went so dramatically wrong on Wednesday and compare it with what we were doing so well only a few days ago. He has to look at his players and be honest when it comes to deciding which ones let him down. He must not be overawed by reputations and he must select those he knows will deliver for him. If this means upsetting a few egos, then so be it. Saturday could be crucial in the future of Chelsea Football Club. Trying to predict whom Ranieri will select is probably harder than winning the National Lottery, personally I would like to see the following side selected: Cudicini, Melchiot, Gallas, Terry, Le Saux, Lampard, Dalla Bona, Morris, Zola, Gudjohnsen, Hasselbaink. Some of you may disagree with certain selections and others may question leaving out a couple of World Cup Winners but at least we'd have a bit of fire in the side.
The tragedy of it all is that if Chelsea do suffer the devastation of defeat tomorrow, the roll of honour in the managerial record book at Chelsea could well read as follows;
1) H*ddl* - Awoke a slumbering giant, acted as a catalyst to make us believe that Chelsea really could be amongst the big boys. Defeat to Man United in the FA Cup Final made us all vow that we would be back.
2) Gullit - Realised many a dream, won Chelsea's first silverware for 26 years. Promised a job for life as thousands held a party in West London to celebrate the FA Cup victory. Left after a dispute over a paltry £2million salary disagreement.
3) Vialli - Secured a fifth trophy in 2 years as Man Utd were made to look very ordinary in the Charity Shield. Mysteriously sacked, despite being the most successful coach in the history of Chelsea.
4) Ranieri - Italian coach who struggled to master the English language but managed to lower the average age of the team. Not a very pretty epitaph for someone who replaced a legend. But perhaps the problem lies elsewhere, perhaps it lies higher up. Perhaps our chairman has taken the club as far as he can. Perhaps it's time for a change at the very top? Only time will tell Come on you Blues.

24/01/02 Did you ever have to fight a tubby, yellow, pea brained person, guzzling jar after jar of amber stuff, for your right to watch football on the TV?
No, I was not looking in the mirror. My two year old daughter had sought the reinforcements of her ally Winnie-the-Pooh. With his ever present jar of hunny, in her eternal dispute with her father about the ownership of the TV set. For a long time it seemed that the little shrew would come out a winner and the yellow fleabag would occupy the screen instead of my beloved blue forces. But in the end the little one succumbed to the persuasive powers of her father when he had promised her loads of candy and hours of watching the honey-guzzling bear and his cohorts, the ass and the pig, tomorrow - a treaty that will be honoured like any treaty with the Red Indians.
That was to be my only victory of the night. And what a Pyrrhic victory it turned out to be. What I was going to witness defies belief.
When I finally got control over the screen, the game was five minutes old and was already lost. Never have I seen the Mighty Blues so poor in every department - not in recent years anyway. I even saw more accurate passing on the old dirt pitch in my school days. We were so slow and indecisive in defence that we made their strike force look good. We were so inefficient in attack that we made their defence look good. Our midfield had gone completely missing so even T*m Sh*rw**d looked good. To make Sp*rs look like the best team in the world is no mean feat and could only be achieved by Chelsea after twelve years of total dominance. The term 'inconsistency', so often associated with Chelsea, has been given a whole new meaning.
Now we know how it is to be on the receiving end of a 5 - 1 hammering, twice inflicted by us upon our adversaries this season. It hurts. Enough lamentations. Pain abates in a couple of days. This was just a blip. We will keep on supporting the team like we have always done. And look out, Sp*rs! A wounded lion is a dangerous one! Now let's look at the bright side - in fact there are three.
First: Judas didn't seem worth his 30 pieces of silver.
Second: Jimmy will have his red card cancelled by a video panel.
Third: Things can only get better.
Who wants to go to Cardiff anyway? Not after you've heard what they do to sheep.

4/9/02 Just got back from a week at The Leathes Head in Lake District very relaxed, excellent service and views and the food and drink were exceptional, in fact the only low point was the hang-overs in the morning (serves me right for finishing the night with a 'rusty nail' - Drambuie and single whiskey). If any of you want to try it the rates are reasonable and Roy and Janice do an excellent job of looking after you. Whilst there we bought a new addition for the garden, a couple of us took a nautical trip some amazing views and pictures will be up on the site soon. Two of the many highlights took in the Beatrix Potter exhibition at Bowness-on-Windermere, the kids (including me) loved it coming face to face with many of the characters and some excellent photo opportunities and the visit to the Honnister Slate mine where there are underground tours and the chance to see and experience what they are capable of doing.

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posted by burrapaca at 9:43 AM