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wFriday, May 31, 2002 |
primer post en [fernandoylet.blogspot.com]
jueves, abril 25, 2002
Que barbaro! ...otra semana requeteatareada; bueno, mejor asi no me preocupo tanto por los problemas que pueda tener.
Hoy tengo a mi hijo visitandome en la oficina, quizas arrepentido de no haber ido a la escuela de donde ya habria salido, ahora tiene que aguantarse hasta las 4:30pm que salgo.
Lo que si ando super-atrasado es con una presentacion de negocio que le ofreci (para el fin de semana anterior) a un compatriota muy amigo mio que esta en Republica Dominicana; ojala y este fin de semana tenga la oportunidad de terminarlo. Las ideas las estoy madurando, y de ahi tengo que ponerlo todo en practica.
Bueno, para no quejarme tanto, en estos dias me llego el cheque de la devolucion de lo que he sobre-pagado en los impuestos; ahora si se me equilibraron las cuentas bancarias, aunque las deudas siguen fuertes.
Tambien me he visto forzado a tomarme un descanso en mi batallar politico, mientras espero noticias del proximo Primer Congreso del Movimiento Bolivariano Internacional. En cuanto sepa algo les informo.
posted by FernanDoylet at 1:46 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:08 AM
wThursday, May 30, 2002 |
primer post en [mamasmack.tripod.com/weblog.html]
Wednesday, May 29
( 6:28 AM ) Lena Jones
the first post just to get things rolling and test it out... #
posted by
burrapaca at 7:29 PM
wWednesday, May 29, 2002 |
primer post en [www.trufas.es.vg]
Weno, pos esta va a ser mi pagina web, aunq aún esta en proceso deconstruccion como podeis ver. segun vaya aprendiendo a controlar el dreamweaber añadire mas cositass ok?
mm pues nada mas con esto me despido por ahora
Trufas, a las 18:15
escuchando: white stripes-Fell in love with a girl
posted by
burrapaca at 7:33 PM
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primer post en [www.insolencia.com]
domingo, abril 28, 2002
Parece que el bueno de Greymatter funciona. Me daba más respeto, aunque aún tengo algunas dudas.
Posted by Jordi @ 07:06 PM CET
posted by
burrapaca at 11:55 AM
wTuesday, May 28, 2002 |
primer post en [www.chaddux.com]
Sunday, May 05, 2002
The new blog is up.
Posted at 10:44:18 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 4:37 PM
wSunday, May 26, 2002 |
primer post de strikter en [www.strikter.net]
¿ 04/14/2002 ?
bye bye blogger!!... por fin! regrese! y sin blogger... puf! se siente bien, despues de dos dias trabajando con el greymatter!
posted by
burrapaca at 6:40 PM
wSaturday, May 25, 2002 |
primer post en [www.antropoetica.com]
"Extasis artístico" - 25/01/2002
por :: nicolás fiks
No quiero tu cielo, pues triste sería
contemplar al homicida que nos da la vida;
de oro es el trono en donde al Papa sentaste,
bienaventurados los niños que mueren de hambre.
Razonar con la fe es el mandato,
que impera en cada oveja del rebaño;
idiotas que a un yeso le piden milagros,
bendecidos por la miseria que tu les has dado
No me dejes caer en la tentación de elevar una plegaria,
y líbrame de ti, y de toda tu enseñanza,
que las espinas no sean motivo de orgullo,
pues ostento los laureles que tu hijo no pudo.
Y si ardo en el infierno, será escribiendo,
en compañía de musas que lamen mi genio;
mi pluma segrega blancuzco veneno,
éxtasis artístico en lo profundo del averno.
Y si no hallo consuelo será porque no quiero,
el Verbo, hecho carne, es sólo un muñeco;
juego con el fruto que nos negó el Eterno,
éxtasis artístico humedeciendo el Madero.
Metastásica estupidez, posees tus elegidos,
bufones que desde un púlpito manejan los destinos;
“Abre la boca, recibe el cuerpo de Cristo,
pues el tuyo no vale, ha nacido maldito”.
“Ten misericordia y perdona al enemigo”- dices, pero tú, siendo Dios,
no perdonaste a tu propio Hijo.
Condenados a morir desde el vientre materno,
sentenciados a sufrir por cada deseo;
vana es la risa, vano el sufrimiento,
yermo el sendero que guía a tu encuentro.
Y si ardo en el infierno, será escribiendo,
en compañía de musas que lamen mi genio;
mi pluma segrega blancuzco veneno,
éxtasis artístico en lo profundo del averno.
Y si no hallo consuelo será porque no quiero,
el Verbo, hecho carne, es sólo un muñeco;
juego con el fruto que nos negó el Eterno,
éxtasis artístico humedeciendo el Madero.
posted by
burrapaca at 5:48 PM
wFriday, May 24, 2002 |
primer post en [saykos.blogspot.com]
Tuesday, May 21, 2002:
Oh yeah. First one to post Here. Wala lang. Where the hell did it all start? Ate Kay usually sends mail na isang buo nalang [parang e-groups] hanggang sa 4 nalang kaming nagsusulatan. Four, kasi the other one's a guy. Basta yon. The rest is history. Pakana namin 'to ni Vanya na magkaroon ng blog for the three of us. Wala lang. Gusto ko eh. O sige. Wala lang.
Arien Lagrosa // 8:00 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 5:21 PM
wThursday, May 23, 2002 |
primer post en [tecnobits.com]
TECNObits* regresa
Despues de un pequeño receso, en el cual hemos rediseñado el sitio por dentro y por fuera. Es decir, estuvimos pensando en que le falta y que le sobra a TECNObits* y nos pusimos a mover las cosas. Despues de un poco más de un mes de trabajo terminamos con esto. Un nuevo diseño, más simple, menos secciones que hacen que nos centremos en las opiniones y las noticias, un nuevo sistema de publicación que nos da libertad de hacer muchísimas más cosas, algunas ya estan disponibles y otras aparecerán en el futuro.
Otra de las cosas que notarán es el cambio en el enfoque del sitio. Aunque seguimos hablando de tecnologia, internet y computación, no solo vamos a presentar noticias, sino historias, opiniones y críticas de los eventos, situaciones y sucesos en este increible mundo.
Bienvenidos de nuevo, si tienen alguna sugerencia, pueden hacer click en el ícono arriba a la derecha. Recuerden que haciendo click ahi en cualquier publicación les permite hacer sus propios comentarios, contribuir a la historia, hacer críticas de lo que escribimos, etc.
03/03/2001 | neo | 0 comentarios
posted by
burrapaca at 10:32 PM
w |
primer post de eduardo arcos en su nuevo proyecto [alt1040.com]
20 de Mayo, 2002
Bienvenidos. Realmente no soy bueno en los primeros posts. Hace dos años fué igual, un total desastre. Este es ALT1040, mi nuevo proyecto, dejo totalmente eduardoarcos.com y los textos sin mayúsculas, para encargarme de este.
Pueden considerar esto como una evolución de mi anterior weblog pero no como una continuación. Así como eduardoarcos.com deja de funcionar y se redirije a esta dirección, lo mismo pasará con TECNObits* en algunas horas.
Algunos se estarán jalando de los pelos porque seguramente piensan que, una vez más, les jugué una broma, esta vez no lo fué aunque los de migración no me escribieron ni mucho menos, fué un experimento planeado con resultados muy interesantes.
Si todavía tienen dudas sobre que es ALT1040, vayan a la página de información sobre el sitio. Si no saben quien escribe esto, soy Eduardo Arcos.
19 de Mayo, 2002
Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba. Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba.
Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba.
Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba Esto es una prueba.
posted by
burrapaca at 7:49 PM
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primer post en [www.iespana.es/bradomin]
domingo, octubre 28, 2001
¡Al fin echa esto a andar!
Bueno, pues aquí tenéis esta bitácora, que comienzo hoy; ya veré hasta cuándo duro. Mi objetivo inicialmente es ir incluyendo en ella toda esa serie de enlaces que me vaya encontrando por ahí y me parezcan interesantes comentar. En principio procuraré que estén relacionados con los temas señalados más arriba, que son los que me interesan. Supongo que, con el paso del tiempo, iré incluyendo otras cuestiones.
Básicamente, esta página está creada para darme un poco a conocer en mi faceta de escritor, aunque eso ya lo vengo haciendo también desde El Escribidor, la revista electrónica que edito desde hace dos años. Pero, en fin, creo que ésta es otra buena forma de darse a conocer y estar en contacto con quien pueda leerme.
En principio, la intención es ir actualizando esta bitácora cada fin de semana. Ya sé que no es lo habitual, que debe hacerse cada día, etc. Pero no empiezo en el mejor momento. Ando ahora bastante ocupado, así que me parece que una vez a la semana no es mal plan para iniciar. De todas formas, tampoco tengo tantas cosas que decir.
Añadido por Bradomín a las 1:11:45 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 4:47 PM
wWednesday, May 22, 2002 |
primer post en [jademagus.blogspot.com]
Thursday, May 02, 2002
It was brought to my attention that I hadn't blogged in a while... a whole three days.... yikes! =)
Time for the New News:
1) I was at work today and learned the most astonishing thing I have ever heard: (well, heard while at the Shack, anyways...) After almost 15 years with the company, GreyShaido is quitting. He handed in his notice on Saturday. It's bad, but it's good... It's bad because he knows so much that none of us do, and I think the store as a whole might suffer a bit while we try to pick up the slack. But it's good, because I needed to go full-time, and as it so happens... there are a shitload of hours suddenly available! I just need to make it through this week coming, and they're mine... Bossman has already gotten an application for a part-time position, which puts this new guy up into my, well, timeslot (I guess that's the best word for it)... and the guy's résumé looks good too... In a way, I'm gonna miss GreyShaido, but I think I will wait until closer to the time before I start analysing it too much...
2) All I really can/will/should say on the issue, is: Jade, if or when we find that Sonuvabitch, I'll hold him still while you go at him. It'll be fun! We'll give LuckyDuck a camera to record the prestigious event.... (evil laughing....) =)
And now for something completely different!
Maybe not, eh? Well, I could turn in for bed now... or I could continue to blather for the enjoyment of you few who actually read this regularly enough to see this... =)
Perhaps bed is best, as I do have much to do tomorrow...
Jade, I can't wait to see you...
Dream sweetly, all Bloglodites,
and welcome the morn with a smile.
For my love will then return to me
in a little shorter while.
Yeah, I'm a sappy freak... deal with it.
posted by Rick Fazekas 11:51 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 12:18 PM
wTuesday, May 21, 2002 |
primer post de [www.davidlacasa.com]
Probando, probando, uno, dos, uno, dos.....
Parece que funciona :-)
Enviado por david lacasa a las 5:15 PM | Enlace | comentarios
posted by
burrapaca at 11:10 AM
wMonday, May 20, 2002 |
primer post de Omêga en [www.infectant.cjb.net]
The world spreads its legs... the world spreads its legs for another fucking star...
Porque no soy Americano, pero me encantaria serlo para poder avergonzarme de mi mismo, para tener un motivo mas para odiarme. Asi es esto, unas veces estas en lo mas alto, otras simplemente arriba, otras caes en tu propia miseria, y la mayoria de las veces te toca tragarte tu mierda para abandonar por la puerta de atras... de mala manera. Y siempre habran sonrisas y gente que te apoye cuando estes en la resta de la ola. Y siempre habra NADIE cuando consigas tocar fondo. Que importa? En estos momentos ya habra alguien nuevo re-emplazandote y haciendo reir al publico...
Sueños imposibles, realidades imposibles, futuros de pesadilla...
Y asi pasa la vida ahora. Deseas con todas tus fuerzas algo imposible, sueñas con ello cada noche, cierras los ojos y puedes verlo, porque en el fondo sabes que nunca podras tenerlo. Aunque, a veces la realidad le pega cien mil patadas a la ficcion, y acabas viviendo en una fantasia que ni tu mismo nunca soñastes. "Esta todo esto sucediendo?" "Por que de repente todos mis deseos se cumplen?" (Una de esas rachas positivas... esas tan extrañas...) Pero hey! Ahi esta el Sr Futuro, siempre amenazante, para truncar tus sueños y/o tus realidades con su guadaña.
Pero esta vez no vamos a abandonar, eh? Esta vez vamos a respirar hondo, almacenar todo el odio que quepa en nuestros pulmones y gritar con todas nuestras fuerzas, luchar hasta la ultima gota de sangre para derrotar las adversidades. Si todo iba de puta madre, porque se tiene que torcer de repente? Siempre he bajado los brazos y he acabado rindiendome a la primera... algun dia me debe tocar ganar a mi, no?
Maximas preocupaciones.
Pero al final, todo siempre se acaba arreglando.
Y los problemas de hoy, son estupideces.... comparados con los de mañana.
Hagamos de cada dia el ultimo.
Vamos a vivir parasiempre.
05.21.02 @ 02:52 PM GMT
posted by
burrapaca at 8:38 PM
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primer post en [kmc_19.blogspot.com]
Friday, May 10, 2002 :::
Here is my first ever webpage.
I have no idea how to access it to make changes or anything, so I guess it'll stay it's own classic self. Since then, I've gained a skill or two when it comes to slapping together a page...but not many.
::: posted by Kingsley MC at 8:30 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 2:18 PM
wSunday, May 19, 2002 |
primer post en [shuxie.blogspot.com]
Sunday, May 19, 2002
Ok, let's get started.
As most of those who have followed this link must have noticed (otherwise I doubt they would have !), "Shuxie" is a chinese word, meaning "to write".
So, do not be surprised if I speak a bit about China here, that's the object of my attention most of the time.
2nd thing you must have noticed by my poor english, I am a native french... two consequences :
- I will not write pure english... May Shakespeare pardon me,
- I will even switch to French when I want to, and nobody will be able to prevent me from doing so. French is not so bad a language. Actually I think you should try it sometimes...
If this policiy is a problem for you, just go away! if not, I welcome you here and hope you will have a good time trying to decipher my awfully long sentences (sorry, at 24 I am too old to change those bad habits).
For the time being, au revoir, il se fait tard.
posted by Alexandre Broggi 4:05 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 4:20 PM
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primer post de las [lobaz.blogspot.com]
*Wilbur observa como un arbusto rodante hace las maletas*
-Oye...el contrate decia dos meses ¬¬*
-Si, pero nadie me dijo ke la soledad era tan bestia, sin un maldito vaquero que em observe...yo me voy!!!
*Wilbur le tira una piedra al arbusto fujitivo mientras este se aleja*
-joder, ya no hay seriedad ¬¬**
posted by Wilbur Kyriu on 11:08 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 1:17 AM
wFriday, May 17, 2002 |
primer post en [gitano.blogspot.com]
May 8, 2002 :::
BTW this isn't what you're goint to see everyday - just a sample template with nonsense posts till I can make sense of how to present it and most importantly what to write!
::: posted by Avina Lobo at Wednesday, May 08, 2002
posted by
burrapaca at 11:06 AM
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primer post en [crankyprofessor.blogspot.com]
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Blogs having been read by me for several months, I am giving in to the urge to talk back in something other than a comment box.
posted by Michael Tinkler | 4:18 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:03 AM
wThursday, May 16, 2002 |
primer post en [deskontrol.blogspot.com]
miércoles, diciembre 12, 2001
bueno, empecemos...
Aqui voy a escribir todas las cosas que he querido decirte...
Antes de empezar, te mando un saludo a donde quiera que te encuentres... que estes muy bien.
posted by deskontrol at 11:12 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 3:32 PM
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primer post en [tilde.blogspot.com]
i think i'm getting sick. i hate mornings, they're so lonely. no one is awake, and no one gets online -- so i'm stuck here alone, listening to "Unbreak My Heart" while my cat stares at me.
Becki ~ Lee at 4/16/2002 06:15:32 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 10:39 AM
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primer post en [adondevamos.blogspot.com]
viernes, mayo 10, 2002
Bueno, si todo sale bien, esto va a aparecer en el primer envio de esto.... que igualmente no se cuantos envios tendra. Lo conoci por parte de una amiga brasilera (obrigado KIA) y hoy... como estoy en uno de los dias en que queres romper todo, como no "me dejan" hacerlo, rompo todo por aca. Y lo peor de todo es que uno no sabe p q esta mal, entonces no tiene forma de solucionarlo, o atacar el problema. Pero bueno, espero que los proximos envios sean mas copados :)
posted by Nicko Naranjo at 3:03 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 10:35 AM
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primer post en [www.theperfectpixel.net]
miércoles, febrero 13, 2002
La banca se mueve... asombrosa noticia sobre el movimiento en las altas esfera del SCH. Después de la marcha de Amusátegui hace unos meses, Corcóstegui era el último bastión que qudaba en la cúpula del SCH del absorbido Central Hispano.
Según se dice, y aunque esta no haya sido la razón definitiva, muchos no le han llegado a perdonar que se gastara 540 millones de euros en la compra de Patagon, un proyecto en el que Angel Corcóstegui puso todo su empeño en llevarlo a cabo con un final feliz. Algunos seguro que recordaréis aquellas fotos (¡¡¡ qué tiempo aquellos !!!) en los que en mangas de camisa (en esos tiempos Internet no llevaba corbata) el responsable de Patagon, Wenceslao Casares se hacía las fotos de rigor con el ahora ex-consejero delegado y la apuesta por la banca online se convertía en algo seguro.
En definitiva, Botín, se hace con el cargo del banco más grande nuestro país junto con la ayuda de Alfredo Sáez, un hombre de su entera confianza, que deja su cargo como presidente de Banesto para ser ocupado por su hija Ana Patricia Botín. En este movimiento muchos analista se atreven a aventurar que la vuelta de Ana Patricia es el comienzo de su preparación para sentarse donde hoy lo hace su padre.
En fin, quién sabe si este sérá el último golpe de efecto de Emilio Botín para poner orden en casa, o todavía nos quedará alguna sorpresa más.
Para mentes necesitadas de más información: El Mundo y el gran Baquía.
posted by
burrapaca at 10:32 AM
wWednesday, May 15, 2002 |
primer post en [secretcity.blogspot.com]
sixteen years ago today, chan died. my mourning has died to almost a whisper, and has not kept me awake for many years. but there it is - she Was, then she Was Not.
i am blessed by our brief intertwining of paths. but i must focus on the living, on the Now. i have many for whom i am thankful for, these others whose paths cross and/or parallel mine time and again.
time to let the dead sleep. time to open all the doors and let the ghosts of Was billow and fly away. time to get my house in order.
it is my time, now. if i fail, i have no one else left to blame... and no one left who can justly blame me for their own fate.
this is not denial; this is absolution.
full circle, but higher up the mountain. now the journey begins anew.
11:59:57 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 10:42 AM
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primer post en [chemicalbrother.blogspot.com]
[ Domingo, Abril 28, 2002 ]
Definitivamente isso aqui é um vício...daqueles incuráveis, a não ser pela total separação da internet e da minha pessoa, o que quase impossível já que uso a internet para trabalhar, estudar, me divertir e outras tantas coisas. Descobri também um novo vício meu: escrever "definitivamente". Orra! Não uma frase que eu construa e que tenha mais de 2 linhas e que não acabe colocando um "definitivamente". Isso parece falta de vocabulário, coisa de gente que não lê, não estuda, não tem no seu vocabulário mais de 30 palavras. Prometo que vou me policiar para acabar com isso.
Tenho muita coisa para escrever, muita mesmo. Esse weekend foi muito produtivo, reencontrei pessoas que não via a algum tempo, foi "deveras" animador. mas contarei com detalhes asim que possível.
O que escreverei em seguida é o resultado de algumas divagações que tive a alguns dias atrás...Acompanhem o meu raciocínio:
De acordo com a novela "O Clone" (eu vejo sim, e daí?!) As mulheres "valorizadas" para casar e tal são apenas aquelas que usam véu, não expõem o corpo na rua e etc..
Mas então o acontece com aquelas odaliscas maravilhosas que sempre animam as festas e com aquelas outras que dançam com candelabro na cabeça? São jogadas ao vento? São condenadas a morrerem secas? Isso seria um absurdo!
Eu particularmente não me importo se a minha esposa for um tanto quanto espetaculosa. Resumindo... é isso aí galera.. quem tá aí reclamando que está solteirão e tal...
Acredito que vc não voltará de "mão vazias".. e melhor, terá uma jade só sua para sempre! :-)
Aproveite e faça o teste:
Você é o "O Clone" de quem?
sacramentado por €hemical ßrøther [4/28/2002 09:48:32 PM]
comente aqui!!!
posted by
burrapaca at 10:40 AM
wTuesday, May 14, 2002 |
primer post en [myhappiness.blogspot.com]
Sunday, September 16, 2001
The Dream~A reflection on September 11th, 2001
As thousands of bodies dive towards the light,
I reflect on the thousands of lives lost,
Lives lived,
Lives cared for,
Lives loved.
When the fire broke through like an arrow,
Shattering the steel poles upon which hung
The threads of an American dream, the heart of America,
I cried.
I cried for the lives destroyed,
I felt pity for the humans lacking humanity,
I felt anger wrap its large hands around my throat,
As I choked back the tears that so badly wanted to fall
And form a river that would carry the heartache that weighed
So heavily on a nation that was strong, and will ever remain so.
'Cowards', they called them.
I must agree.
For only someone with that shape of a human heart,
And such disregard for human life,
Could attempt to tear apart a nation that for years
Ran the peace train across this world.
As we pray for the innocent victims of hate,
I bow my head.
And for a moment leave my place of mourning,
And join the others who dive towards the light.
For there, the heroes of yesterday,
Pass on towards tomorrow.
And the dream that envelopes us all,
Will unite, with strength and courage,
A nation so brutally attacked.
We will not be divided, we will become one.
For those who intend to destroy us
have false hopes.
We--have faith, humanity, glory, liberty,
And a dream.
-Dawn Adams , September 15, 2001
- dawn adams, 10:21 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 12:05 PM
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primer post en [hojalatas.blogspot.com]
sábado, febrero 02, 2002
Pasión por la vida
El destino de fuego, de lo fugaz, de lo hermoso, de lo predecible, de lo intangible, de lo insospechado...
De todo y de todos. Pero mientras da calor y aliento o desaliento.
Eso somos, materia de sueños y de desconcierto...
Pero como el Ave Fénix, renacemos de las cenizas...
Y la vida continúa...
posted by Ko Lores @ 5:59 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 12:03 PM
wMonday, May 13, 2002 |
primer post en [letterstomyself.blogspot.com]
Monday, May 13, 2002
First thing I have to say is : I am single. And I
am happy. Don´t argue if I would be better
dating someone ( a guy, for sure ! ).
Maybe I would. But the fact is that
- FOR NOW - I am as single as one
can be.
posted by Paula Janot @ 1:41 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 1:45 PM
wSunday, May 12, 2002 |
primer post en [elektrocute.blogspot.com]
Domingo, Dezembro 02, 2001
r e s s a c a
posted by Bi de Andrade 12:19 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 6:30 PM
wSaturday, May 11, 2002 |
primer post en [lousypirate.blogspot.com]
5 (may).11.2002
Cut my own hair today. Regret it. Look like Prince fucking Valiant. Expect ridicule. Sigh.
3:32 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 2:13 PM
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primer post en [westchesterboy.blogspot.com]
Saturday, May 11, 2002
so this is my first blogger entry...
i don't really know what its going to look like
but i think im going to start my trend of refusing to use the shift key
capitals are so unnecessary
posted by phil johnson at 3:59 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 2:09 PM
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primer post en [www.voyageweb.net/blog/blogger.html]
:: Thursday, January 03, 2002 ::
So I'm up early this morning and flipping through the channels on TV. Somehow a woman on CSPAN caught my attention. I had no idea who she was with or really who she was. She seemed to be a confident speaker and was speaking on current issues so I stayed put to see what she was all about. Unfortunately I was dissapointed. Her speech was full of exaggeration and name calling. She generalized about groups of people and the errors in their ways. She defended Jerry Falwell's remarks the day after 9/11 that the events were caused by abortion activists and gays, etc. She then went on to declare that the war against Afganistan, while not really a religious war, IS in fact a kind of religious event. She noted that since the USA is primarily a Christian nation and that we have a successful democracy, that is how Afganistan should shape itself. She doesn't seem to understand how a nation can be democratic and not Christian at the same time. Apparently she hasn't given this much thought. As her rhetoric continued, I became sick to my stomach and had to turn the channel to something less insulting. Her name was Ann Coulter and I eventually found that she was speaking for the College Republicans.
She was so far right that everything she said had an obvious arguement. Her kind of thought does little to advance society and probably only influences the weak of mind. I find it so frustrating that this woman is in a national spotlight with such a narrow and selfish view. But in keeping with my own views, everyone has the right to state their mind. As my sister says, everyone has the right to make an ass of themselves.
:: Doug Santurri 5:52 AM [+] ::
posted by
burrapaca at 2:07 PM
wFriday, May 10, 2002 |
primer post en [beg.blogspot.com]
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
This thing is REALLY starting to piss me off... god damned HTML code...
posted by RK 9 at 1:55 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:49 AM
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primer post en [nathanm.blogspot.com]
Monday, April 29, 2002
Hi Everyone well this is the first post to my new blog and well ..... welll......... ummm...... oh look a bug..... Oh um well ill post something else that is hopefully interesting later
Nathan "Ghargon" Morgan
posted by Nathan Morgan 12:00 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:46 AM
wThursday, May 09, 2002 |
primer post en [wps.blogspot.com]
~ Wednesday, May 08, 2002
Today the lions growl,
On their long green sticks they prowl
Across the prickly grassy lawns, leering at any passerby:
Old gray men, waiting to be blown away
posted by Anjali Krishan at 7:00:45 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:52 AM
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primer post en [www.ayquevomito.com]
8 Mayo 2002
No me lo creo by Manolito Piruletas
NO, o sea, no. Y con eso resumo todo lo que voy a escribir. No me creo a las niñas frikis. Y cuando digo que no me las creo, no estoy afirmando que no crea que existan, si no que no me creo que su comportamiento sea natural. Me explico.
Volviendo a los albores de lo que era ser seguidor de "cosas estúpidas" en este país (hablo de hace muuuuuuuuuuucho tiempo), cuando ese odiosa palabra que es "friki" (que siempre, no sé por qué, me la imagino seguida de un "jiji" más odioso si cabe) no había aparecido, el seguidor de cómics, fantasía y películas raras en general, (adjuntar música indie, cine indie, y todo el indie que usted quiera) pasaba desapercibido, o apenas llegaba al escalafón de "gracioso". Internet no existía, la ruta del bacalao
estaba en pleno auge, y nadie sabía qué significaba la palabra manga.
Pero, oh!, la generación Goku estaba naciendo. En mis tiempos, las niñas ya tiraban con bala cuando nosotros, los estúpidos niños, corríamos a ver Ulises 31. Pero ahora, después de ver la evolución de las cosas, la aparición de Internet, la palabra friki (jiji) y todo lo que ello ha traído y que todos conocemos, hay quien se dió cuenta de que meterse en un chat de idiotas (internet, pérfido y pozoñoso invento del mal) y decir "Spiderman" "Matsamune Shirow" y "Muñecos de Starwars", era subir al pináculo del esplendor, y ser idolatrada por varias decenas de bobos. Pero eso sólo fue el principio. En realidad no bastaba con decir que le gustaba el tema, ya que algunos tipos se daban cuenta del juego. Así que nació la imagen de la "erudita friki", algo que podía hacer del mundo un terreno de caza. Especialista en Jess Franco, doctorado en Marvel... ¡IR A UN SALÓN DEL CÓMIC (y no sólo eso, si no IR CON UNA CAMISETA DEL CAPITÁN AMÉRICA!) Ahora ya era una cuestión de control. Porque todo esto no se hacía por ligar, que para ligar no hace falta tanta idiotez (sobre todo si estás buena, y las niñas frikis (jiji) lo están), era una manera nueva de fagocitar al macho, de controlarlo, de que bailara con un plumero metido en el culo si así se quería... Y si esto les suena a machismo, les diré que SI, lo es, pero un machismo de supervivencia, y no menosprecio, y de alerta roja para los desprevenidos.
La táctica de la niña friki (jiji) funciona, lo afirmo. Lástima de las seguidoras de Sailor Moon y el shojo le quiten terreno a la verdadera depredadora que es la experta de "La Patrulla X"... Así que, en un máximo de rizar el rizo, la niña friki inventa el frikismo femenino, el neofrikismo, si así lo quieren, más allá de Video Girl AI y Ranma. Ahora dice que ha encontrado una barbie supermona vestida de superhéroe, que está enamorada de Frodo (pero el del libro, no el de la peli, que así la cosa era más profunda), o que ha programado un script monísimo para el MIRC, lleno de corazones, colorines rosa y flores (se dan cuenta del detalle... programadora, que cosa más friki puede haber para una niña...). Madre del amor hermoso, tiemblo al pensar que ahora viene la ola de superhéroes en el cine, la segunda parte del Señor de los Anillos...
Y es que los frikis (jiji) son atolondrados y odiosos, pero las frikis estrategas son inteligentes y temibles...
posted by
burrapaca at 11:50 AM
wWednesday, May 08, 2002 |
primer post en [nuevosmedios.blogspot.com]
lunes, mayo 06, 2002
Encuesta sobre medios para alumnos de la maestría
Responder encuesta
- Julian Gallo, 5/6/2002 05:39:26 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 1:53 PM
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primer post en [albertobastos.inered.com]
domingo, enero 13, 2002
¡Si! ¡Si! ¡Si! ¡Por fin consigo meterle blogger a mi web... ¡y comentarios!. Estoy que no quepo en mí de autosatisfacción, esperaba poder postear así desde que abrí mi página hace dos meses. Creo que voy a llorar... :_) Ahora me falta probar los comentarios, espero que no me fallen, porque son los mismos que usa Nando...
Por cierto, que Juan me descubrió ayer por la mañana esta web, donde ponen frases sueltas de otros weblogs... ¡y añadieron el fragmento donde reconocí mi fimosis!. Que morbosos... :o)
hora: 01:35
comentarios: archivado
posted by
burrapaca at 1:49 PM
wTuesday, May 07, 2002 |
primer post en [filemignon.blogspot.com]
Monday, May 06, 2002
A primeira mensagem de um blog é um saco.
Ainda mais quando não se sabe o que escrever... tipo, nós tamo começando agora, não é bem assim...
Tem que ir com calma, sem se afobar... devagar e sempre.
Fato é que tem uns caras que estão pra chegar aqui também e como isso ainda não tem nenhum acesso, não adianta
fingir que eu tô falando com alguém por que ninguém tá lendo mesmo, portanto eu posso falar o que eu quiser!
Mas eu não tô com vontade de falar nada...
Péraí... deixa eu ver...
Salve Roberto Bolaños!
É, é um bom começo...
Escrito por Tarango Arico as 15:56
posted by
burrapaca at 12:28 PM
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primer post en [itsoundsfishy.blogspot.com]
:: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 ::
75491069"> Bati um longo papo com o Marcelinho por telefone agora à noite. Menino corajoso: saiu do armário para toda a família. Parabéns pela iniciativa, amigo! Estou orgulhosa de você!
:: Lara Fidelis :: 12:36:07 AM 2002_04_01_itsoundsfishy_archive.html#75491069"> [+]
3 comentários
posted by
burrapaca at 12:24 PM
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primer post en [vomitpopsicle.com/bif/horses.html]
Sunday, May 05, 2002
i met frank black friday night.. well, sort of.
the plan was, attack frank black and take pictures while doing so.
so okay, i go to the venue where he is playing. i keep asking the people who work there where frank black is. all of them tell me they don't know anything because that is what they have to say. but one of them is stupid and tells me that he went back to his hotel and will be back in about 20 minutes. so i went out in teh back of the venue.. which is right by a dark alley and there are lots of creepy dirty men trying to talk to me. so i went back to the front and waited a bit, talked with random people going inside. then i go back out back..
now, i was in shock. so i stand there starring at him in awe for about a minute or two. i finally say "frank black.." and he just looks at me like i am so stupid and walks past me.
so okay.. my god, my hero, my idol.. doing that to me. i started crying. haha. yeah, it was nice how i cried like that in front of frank black's manager and the bouncers and embaressed myself. i wasn't making noises or anything. i just started crying. which is strange because if you know me, you know that me crying, especially in front of people is very, VERY rare.
but it was funny because the manager started comforting me saying "aww, don't cry.. don't worry, that is just how he is" and stuff.
so i asked the manager to take a picture with me (i needed some proof that i was there) and he didn't want to at first, but then he took it with me.
then the band frank black was touring with came out back and took pictures with me. that was nice. the lady who took the pictures got real into it and started snapping pictures from a lot of different angles and that amused me.
then everyone cleared out and i was by myself in the back.. but i was listening to frank black! and even though he made me cry it was VERY AWESOME listening to them play.. i mean, more then half of the time they covered pixies songs.
and that is probably as close as i will ever be able to hearing the pixies live.
but the night was pretty good. i saw a few friends of mine, made some new friends.
took LOTS of pictures.
good times.
posted by
burrapaca at 12:21 PM
wMonday, May 06, 2002 |
primer post en [hajnika.blogspot.com]
Saturday, May 04, 2002
This is a test, only a test. Do not be alarmed.
posted by Hajnal Tabor 10:09 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:56 AM
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primer post en [www.iespana.es/shake54]
Viernes, 19 abril, 2002
Hola, que tal? Hoy es el dia en que empiezo mi diario, si aqui y para todos vosotros. No tengo tiempo de hacer una pagina de la ostia asi que hecho esta que lo que hace es lo principal, que es contar mi vida, y ya la ire mejorando con el tiempo pudiendo hacer una de esas paginas que triunfan donde van....
Bueno (es una de las palabras que vais a leer mucho en diario) pues me voy a presentar soy Shake54 y tengo 22 años,nazido el dia 2 de Abril de 1980. Si soy aries, no se la gente que me conoce dicen de mi que soy un poco excentrico y un poquitin loco, pero ellos saben que no es asi y que soy mu buena gente, cuando os vaya hablando sobre mi ya os dareis cuenta.
La verdad es que tengo tantas cosas que contar... que no se ni por donde empezar. Entonces por hoy vale.
Bueno venga no se que contaros mas, ah ya se por ejemplo os voy a contar una anecdota que me paso una vez para que os hagais a la idea de la clase de personaje que soy....:empieza asi:
Tal dia del año 98 o 99 en los que se empezaba a llevar el movil, yo iva con mis amigos Charly, Bor y Mar en el cercanias (renfe, tren) en eso que me suena el movil y como era algo poco normal todo el mundo (el tren estaba petado) se dio la vuelta para saber de quien era, y en eso me levanto del asiento y digo (con voz grave) : - tranquilos que es el mio..... a todo esto mis amigos se empiezan a reir, pues ahora viene lo mejor, me voy a sentar y el asiento se habia levantado era de esos que se bajan y CATAPUN, PLASSSSSSSS, al suelo..........todo el mundo riendose de mi, hasta mi amigo que me habia ll,amdo y todoslos que ivan conmigo tirados por el suelo riendose pero que se morian y yo to colorao, que no sabia meterme, ....jajajajajajjaja. Bueno ahora me rio pero cuando me paso ...joder tambien me rei....LA BOMBA....
Bueno ya sabeis como soy, me definiria como un payesete sin querer, mañana ya os cuento mas...
Musica por favor ....Si lo que tu quieres es.....yessssssssssssssssss
Piter Pam 13:00 ....
posted by
burrapaca at 11:53 AM
wSunday, May 05, 2002 |
primer post en [mibaby.blogspot.com]
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty
Giselle Cazares 2:20 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 3:05 PM
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primer post en [neodakid.blogspot.com]
Sunday, May 05, 2002
< Nick Milligan > http://NEOdaKID.blogger.com < /Nick Milligan > < !--2:56 PM-- >
posted by
burrapaca at 3:00 PM
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primer post en [greencatonwall.blogspot.com]
:: Thursday, April 18, 2002 ::
these are the thoughts that go through my head in my backyard on a Sunday afternoon when I have the house to myself-i do not have a house to have to myself nor a backyard.....nor is it sunday.....but i can talk about thoughts....they are always around. like jed's vicadin, they will never tell me that i'm not pretty enough. lalo-skrt that didn't quite wrk-presidentn dinnr-don'tseemtomind-boys-ghettofestn-fastforward2afewyearslater-backspace and delete out of place thought...and a new keychain-change the fish's water and wear that blue thing somewhere-try it with the purple dress-com211 minus class on monday and final exam plus take home exam and project due finals week= much better deal-gus@greystone n melanie@pearson + k c-ing tony + im-ing gallena = sf reunion-trying not to disappoint-finding one-rationalize again-pastbedtime-ijustwantedtolieinthegrassandlookattheclouds
:: Connie B 2:35 AM [+] ::
posted by
burrapaca at 2:57 PM
wSaturday, May 04, 2002 |
primer post en [mrscruffy.blogspot.com]
May 2, 2002
mr scruffys favourite cutesii bubs :) Noelle Rose
posted by devie blog | 12:33 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:32 AM
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primer post en [lilpiglet704.blogspot.com]
Sunday, April 14, 2002
i'm kinda proud of myself because i actually studied for my bio midterm that 's on tuesday and i think i might actually pass the test. so i'm happy =) other than studying i didn't really do anything else productive. just basically spent the day chillin and thinking about the past and future. this semester has seriously been an emotional roller coaster and looking back on last semester, it was also but not as harsh as this semester. all i can do is take it day by day and sometimes i find myself being sad which leads me to shed a tear or two or many more. but i just keep in mind that this too will pass and in the end i'll be happy. it just sucks that things get to me so easily and it's hard for me to get over them. i just have to keep myself busy so i won't think of all the sadness.
posted by joy a 10:55 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 11:30 AM
wFriday, May 03, 2002 |
primer post en [fauxhemian.blogspot.com]
Thursday, March 07, 2002
I've just started this site and have been playing around with the layout. So if you've stumbled onto this site by mistake I apologize for not having put anything interesting up yet.
- John Fogde 5:14 PM [+]
posted by
burrapaca at 10:49 AM
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primer post en [suburbanlimbo.blogspot.com]
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
So this is the world of Blogging? I've been reading these blog thingies for a while (check out ScriptingNews.com) and figured I'd give it a shot. It took all of 5 minutes to set up and now I'm publishing. At least I hope I am. We'll see after I press Publish. Here we go!
posted by RG at 2:11 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 10:47 AM
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primer post en [sherpablog.blogspot.com]
Tuesday, August 07, 2001
Posted 9:19 PM by anne holland
A friend who's been in direct marketing for a zillion years called me yesterday afternoon in apparent disgust. "Did you see that article in the New York Times? Some e-retailers are discovering direct mail -- postal mail! The Times is reporting it breathlessly like it's the panacea for all woes." Funny thing was, this old-time direct marketer wasn't upset because it took so long for folks to realize snail mail still works. He was upset because the Times apparently reported the story as though snail mail is a solution in a vacumn. He snorted, "When will these people learn that it's mixing online and offline that's really powerful? It's not one thing or another. It's both."
posted by
burrapaca at 10:45 AM
wThursday, May 02, 2002 |
primer post en [manowar.blogspot.com]
Quarta-feira, Abril 24, 2002 :::
Bem vindo ao Mundo de Manowar
::: posted by André Macedo at 01:34 | Comments [0]
posted by
burrapaca at 4:27 PM
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primer post en [tensix76.blogspot.com]
Friday, April 26, 2002
Today is a friend's 26th birthday, too bad I have no idea how to get in touch with him because I would have loved to wish him a happy birthday. (Hey Sean Happy Birthday incase you ever use a computer for something besides p0rn, lol) It's strange because in high school we 'dated' for a brief period, then we became friends after high school and right about now I could use a dose of him. He's one of those free minded people...he's pretty cool and doesn't truly give a damn what people think.
As the girl who just walked by my window said I got to holla at you...because I did not forget about my little cyber space here. It's just life has been overwhelming and underwhelming, I've misunderstood, understood and overstood..and now I am ready to progress to another level. I have come back knowing I have closed different chapters of my life and that I have no choice but to move forward. It's put up or shut up time in phoenixland.
It's crazy but sitting here and writing is making me feel less of everything I have been feeling for a while. I've been walking around with a very heavy heart. I felt so empty on many days because I felt like I was weighed down by my life. I have been trying to shake this depression...I thought I beat it last year and maybe I did but it made a strong comeback. I feel as though I am becoming unglued sometimes and other times I am so together that it's scary. There has been no flow...it has been either all or nothing.
I guess in a way it's because I have been feeling very misunderstood by those people who I interact with. I know for a fact that lived in the world of what will they think if I....and that was wrong of me. That kind of thinking had made me internalize some stupid fears about myself and taking risks.
I've done a lot of thinking maybe too much but I understand why I relate to people the way I do and it's crazy to see how reactionary I have become. Before when I was 16, I was the leader instead of the observer...granted back then I was a little more crazy...when you are young you really think you know it all...then you get older and experience things and wish you didn't know shit.
Right now I am in this zone of removing the poison from my life. First beginning with the people who I call filler. They are just taking up space like the air in a potato chip bag jipping me of my full purchase.
I noticed how I call so-called friends and some people are too good to return the phone calls or to place them to check if I am still breathing. In fact one of my oldest "friends" fell off the Earth after I re-did her resume a few months ago...but I was good enough to #1. listen to her trash all the men in her life whom she chose to have complicated situations with, #2. listen to her trash her former "backstabbing" (her word not mine) best friend and then hear her lick the girl's booty and #3. go with her to the doctor when she found herself in a 'situation'. Funny how she had me on speed dial to ask about her resume, talk shit about her 'best' friend, complain about the men or her money situation. Back then I had a funny feeling about her but I put it on the back burner because I wanted to be a good supportive friend because I thought one day she would be there for me.
Then there was another so called "friend" who I called one day in January from a payphone in Queens. I was so upset and trying to hold back the tears. Still it was clear that everything had just gone wrong. I was in need of someone and I chose to call on her. She was in a freaking Duane Read store about 15 minutes from where I was...and instead of being like, let's meet up, you sound terrible...she told me give her a call when I got home to the Bronx, she would be home until 9 then she was off to a house party. Needless to say I never called her again and it's been 3 months. I guess with her I was good enough to chill with when the other regular friends were not busy or when she was in crisis.
Now I'm not the type of person to put people on blast like that but enough is enough...I have had it up to here (ummm, I am pointing to the top of my head) with these draining using type of people.
I decided that the deadbeats must go and for the most part they are gone...my telephone does not ring unless it is some telemarketer. My e-mail accounts only have junk mail or generic invitations to group functions within a group of people who I can not to relate to anymore (that too is another post for another time).
Now I have to find quality people to plug into my life. When I was away at school I had a tight set of friends who were the type of people who I could chill with but they were also the same people who were there for through tough moments. Too bad we have grown distant through time and distance. I want to reconnect with my old friends and will probably do more of that during the summer when there are more opportunities for that.
But where does one go to pick up new friends? I can't exactly hang around the Gap and say ohhhhhhh I love that sweater, I have it in Navy, want to be friends?... I live in New York, I can get maced like that...or maybe I could get a date (but that's another story entirely for another time). It's hard to find quality people. I go to school but I am in and out of that place. It's just this year I started to talk to people in my classes a bit more. It's harder to connect with people because most evening students are just there for class and then run home. I'm going to have to start going to places. I bought Time Out this week andsaw a couple of things I am interested in going to...yes by myself.
I also thought to myself the other day: what is wrong with going by yourself? I mean I have gone to my favorite Cuban Chinese joint numerous times and eaten a great meal by myself, I have taken myself to the movies, I have gone to the gym by myself (although I was hoping to make friends there), I am used to able to do things by myself too. I love going to the bookstore and record store by myself because I go and peruse the Jazz section or browse books on subjects I don't necessarily want to share with people. Sometimes when I am by myself I make small talk with strangers, something others would probably not think I do.
In a way I find myself at that weird crossroad where I can do things by myself but I want to do them with people. That's not asking for too much is it? Hmmmm, who knows.
I've also decided to open another option to myself today in terms of getting a job.
Now with the semester (a lackluster one at that) winding down, I need to decide what I am going to do to make money. I don't want to temp anymore. I got tired of the crap agencies put me through and just going to places and feeling creepy. Sometimes people talk like you aren't in the room oh just give it to the temp, you know Karen would never do it..but we can get away with it, she's just a temp and besides I want a job to call my own. I know for a fact that I really don't want to work in the super corporate world. I want something a little more relaxed...like a business casual kind of office if I must be an office slave. I just want to do work that matters and work in an environment that I feel is doing something. Somehow filing and typing memos does not make me feel like I did something great...I sit there wondering if after I get my degree, will I have to do this same type of work?
Today I came across an interesting job posting from one of my listserves....the job is working at a top notch university in Upstate New York. Instead of immediately saying oh no too bad, I said why not? I am walking around here feeling so binded, why not at least try? So I sent my resume and cover letter off and hopefully they will respond. I already began to look into how much getting an apartment would cost. I am willing to go for this particular job.
Then I started to think about it some more...if I can't get my own job for the summer I could temp for the highest bidder and then do something I have always wanted to do...which is move to DC. They have school's out there...openning that door made such a difference in how I was feeling about this day. I felt at peace knowing that I can move if I want to...sure it will be hard at first seeing how I am starting off at negative in terms of finance but it's a suffering I am willing to go through.
Oh yeah it's good to be back...........web journals/blog the ultimate talk to everybody and nobody at the same time.....
I said it to myself @ 7:28 PM est ||link||
posted by
burrapaca at 4:23 PM
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primer post en [ohyeahohno.blogspot.com]
February 26, 2002
Sports Illustrated - Launch of Apolo "He defies the image of Olympic golden boy, but pack speed skater Apolo Ohno of the U.S. could become the Games' biggest star..."
Apolo Ohno - A Fansite By another level-headed person who does not want to marry Apolo either.
Yahoo News Photos - Browse over 130 news photos.
TeenMag.com - Who's that Babe?
USAToday.com - Popular Ohno leaves mark on Games " To understand the all-encompassing impact Apolo Anton Ohno has had on these Winter Olympics, one needs only to look up into the seats of the Salt Lake Ice Center..."
TeenPeople.com - American Gold And apprently those pants are actually his.
ESPN - Ohno throws a tall shadow
USOlympicTeam.com - Athlete Diaries
posted at 9:41 PM
posted by
burrapaca at 4:20 PM
wWednesday, May 01, 2002 |
primer post en [kobenhavn.blogspot.com]
Monday, April 01, 2002
welcome back to c'ville!
i went home today for easter. took the amtrak up at 6.45am (jesus christ). almost missed the train. must leave ten minutes earlier next time.
deposited paycheck and returned overdue library books. total fine: $0.60. i *love* FCPL.
the fam is doing great. everyone shared their stories and, since i hadn't seen anyone in three weeks, i had plenty of new stuff to talk about. not a quiet moment at the breakfast table. big issue du jour: the church. (how fitting; it was easter, after all.) mom and dad went to this new church in arlington last night that was originally founded as a black catholic church in the 50s. it's now a third black, a third hispanic, and a third white. pete&chris were energized by the 'return to the old church' -- anti-bureaucracy pete speaks out again -- and they liked the mixture of people, ideas, and music. i was surprised to see them so accepting of this defiantly anti-tradition catholic church: though i knew they didn't like the rigidity of the church, i thought they still agreed for the most part with its social message. then again, i didn't get an all-out declaration from pete&chris of support for this church's message of gay inclusion and female priesthood. nevertheless, it's a good sign.
jeanne is pregnant (duh) and is starting to show. she was in good spirits today except for being a bit sick later in the brunch. dave is supersupportive of her morning sickness (just as he was of her epilepsy two years ago), which is cool. michele seems energized after being on spring break. lord knows how she can deal with all those kids for nine months of the year.
i slept SO much at home. that's what i get for not getting to bed until 4 again. grr. but my bed at home is supercomfy and there's only so much hanging out i can do with the fam.
missed PJ's call last night and now his phone number doesn't work. hopefully we'll get dinner this week. must resolve other matt issue.
this week will not be much school or lgbtu work but a lot of HUC webpage work and such. motivation, mateo, motiviation.
best state park of the week: This Is The Place State Park, Utah. located at the western end of emigration canyon. who said the mormons weren't propaganda machines?
posted by Matt Pecori @ 12:50 AM
posted by
burrapaca at 1:43 PM
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primer post en [amygdalagf.blogspot.com]
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Is this thing on?
Bear with me, please. I will be clumsy and clueless. Knowing I will be is the only way I can march into this new medium and not let myself stop myself.
12/30/2001 01:34:57 AM |permanent link| |Discuss|
posted by
burrapaca at 1:40 PM
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:: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 ::
Cougar Cat Power!
Today I just told my friend Tori that I wanted to be at least the lead singer of our band, The Cougar Cats (stupid name, eh?) Luckily she agreed with me that I should sing, but she still wants to be lead guitarist, which is fine with me. I'm the bass and my other friend Tesse, is the drummer. We're in the talent show on Friday, so I think I should start practicing our song, which is Pretty Vacant by The Sex Pistols.
:: Erin Porter Wednesday, May 01, 2002 [+] ::
posted by
burrapaca at 1:37 PM